So Trevor started off the week on Sunday going to a Twins game with Russ. I had gotten some good seats for Russ, and it worked out to take Trevor, so off they went for the 12:10 game. It was a kids giveaway for a Willingham jersey to the first 5,000 kids. Trevor was lucky enough to get one. The seats were directly to the right of the Twins dugout (looking at the field), so they could see the players going into the dugout during their at-bats.
It was a bright, sunny day, and after the last out of the first inning, Trevor was thrown a ball from Dozier. You can see the change in Trevor's smile after he got a major league baseball! The ball is now sitting in a case, so it will never be played with again. There is a nice grass mark on it as well.
So because I was curious as to if either of the boys were going to be on TV, I had been recording the game. Russ texted me about the ball Trevor caught, but it wasn't anything that you could see from the game on TV. They cut away after the last out. But the game went on, and the Twins had a home run hitting time. It isn't very often that there was a game like that. And then, at the top of the 8th inning, one of the reporters went out into the stands to do a little report on what was happening in the game. My mom called and asked me what Trevor was wearing at the game, because she thought she saw him! Turns out, she was right! Although I wasn't sitting watching the game, I did a little rewind, and saw him. So did Gwen. He is enjoying a helmet bowl of ice cream, and no one nearby knew that they were on camera. Now he not only got a ball, but he was also on TV. What could be better?

So back to school he went. Monday was nothing too big for him, but Tuesday was the talent show. He did well enough and I enjoyed listening to him during the evening performance. They got their annual trophy for their participation which is always the best part. Now, on Wednesday, a different event happened for him. Because of a drawing done from the kids who won lunch with Tony Oliva, a ride in a limo and DQ, one of the kids got to swap days with the principal. That person was Trevor. So the day he was able to swap was the Wednesday of this week. I asked Trevor to dress up like the principal, which meant a collared shirt and tie. He was somewhat against it until I told him that he may have to give a speech at some point, and he should look his best for it. So he agreed, and went into school for the day. He was able to help out with the arrival of students, be on the morning news, and observe some of the classrooms. I was at school for my weekly Wednesday envelope duties, so I snapped a picture of him in his "office".

He said he was going to try to get extra recess for the school, but then learned it wasn't his job to do...yet. Maybe some day. The principal had to go and sit in Trevor's class for the day, and they had some school work for him to do as well. Another memorable day for Trevor.
Last day of school, the 3rd grade had an all-3rd grade party with a Hawaiian theme. I was able to help out, and Gwen helped me helping out since it was in the morning. The kids are very anxious to get out and start their summer vacation, but they had a good time as well.
So we made it through that week....from Trevor's perspective, he had a lot going on. The next weekend we didn't have a tournament, so we were able to go out and play at the zoo with his cousin Adam and a good group of the Johnson family. The weather was forecasting rain, but it held off the entire time we were there. We got around to see almost everything, and the kids were troopers! One of the most unique experiences I've ever seen while there was that they opened a feeding time for the giraffes. Anyone that wanted to was able to feed the giraffe. Trevor was psyched and did what was expected. He even felt how sandpapery the tongue of the giraffe was. You had to buy the crackers for the giraffe, so it wasn't free, but I think it was well worth it.

Since the zoo, we have been doing the summer activities and baseball tournaments. The last tournament is this weekend but previous to that, we had a tournament in Rochester. This was the first tournament where the kids decided they were going to stay in hotel for the weekend. They had two games early on Saturday, and had Friday off. Trevor was really excited to get down there, but we first had to wait for Russ to come in from his business trip. He landed around 3:30, and we picked him up and drove to Rochester. When we got to the hotel, first thing to do was to jump in the pool. (Kids, not really first thing for the adults). Even though it was close enough to dinner time, the kids didn't care. They started arriving and came to the pool to swim, even if they weren't staying in the hotel. We decided to order pizzas and eat them in the commons area, where they usually have breakfast. Dinner was served close to around 7:30 and the kids (and adults) had a lot. Because of the swimming, they were not as rowdy as usual, but still pretty high energy from all the excitement.
After dinner, it was after 9:00 and they had to be at the field the next day at 8:00am. They fell asleep rather least in my room, and woke up pretty good too. Unfortunately, the kids had a rough bunch of games that weekend, but had more swimming both Saturday and Sunday before heading back home.
Now through this whole time, Trevor once said to me, "Mom, that was the best day of my life!" Do you know when it was? On Friday night before going to bed in the hotel. Well....I know Trevor lives in the it didn't really surprise me, but after the other days that he had had prior to that, I was a little surprised that it took a swim in a pool with his teammates and some pizza at a hotel to become the best day of his life. Here's to many more, Trevor!
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