Saturday, February 12, 2011

Little Girl

As can be the case, it seems as though both kids are going through some kind of growth spurt. Last I measured, Gwen had already grown an inch since her doctor appointment around her birthday. A big event for Gwen was going through her clothes, getting ready for the spring trip we are taking to Florida. I knew she could finally get rid of all the 3T clothes as pants. The tops she could go up to a 5 or an XS in girls, but really I wanted to make sure she had enough swimming suits. As is her usual fashion, she wanted to try all her sundresses and swimming suits on, and then would not put back on her warmer clothes. It was still one of the really cold days outside, but I got a good idea of what clothes still fit her and which did not. I also got a new shipment of leggings and pants that help me weed out the other clothes. I'm taking the temperature increase and running with it. I'm also hoping that these past few days of negative readings are going to be the last of the entire year.

I got information on Gwen's dance recital in June and also information that her recital costume is coming in April. That means two months where I'm going to have to seriously hide the costume. It is right up her alley, but if she goes around wearing it, it will not look good come recital time. She will have an opportunity to wear it for pictures, and maybe even practice once in it, but she is already coming along with lessons and such. She is a very good adaptor. I've been putting her in activities that are probably a bit old for her, but she seems to find a way to fit in appropriately. I'm pretty sure she is the youngest in each of her classes, preschool, dance, swimming, and child care. She is reasonably good at listening and following the directions of the teacher, but not perfect. However, if you put her in a group with kids her age, I'm pretty sure she'd be pretty advanced comparatively.

Unfortunately, she has discovered and really enjoys the hand held game products. From Leapster to Nintendo DS, she wants to do either almost all day. Ug....I guess I'm lucky it has lasted this long. I have resorted to hiding or at least putting them out of her eyesight to distract her to something different. I guess on the plus side, her fine motor skills in her fingers are really improving. I know her preschool teacher is really working on them with Gwen. She has made huge strides since the beginning of the year. She even asks to color and use scissors on a pretty consistent basis. She is working on the letters of her name and can make most of them. Her class made a book and each student got a page to draw what makes them smile. I found her page by reading what the teacher wrote which was a dictation of what the child said the picture was. I then confirmed it was hers by her name on the picture. Anyone care to guess as to what Gwen wrote as to what makes her smile? "Flynn from Tangled." Guess she's a true princess at heart.

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