Whoops....I don't even know if I have done a post about the end of the school year for both of the kids. I feel like I might have talked about it in some form. If not here's a condensed version: Trevor has been talking about school being done for a while and how excited he is for summer vacation. We don't have any big plans, but he is still excited for it. We got his report card and no real surprises, but still some good things to work on, perhaps over the summer if we can, and wasn't any surprise for next year as his teacher is the only teacher for 3rd grade in the gifted and talented group. We have heard good things about her from this year's graduating class as it was her first year in the school this year. As far as Gwen's Kindergarten class, we did get a letter stating the name of her PM class teacher switching to a male teacher. I'm excited that she is in the afternoon class and excited to see how neat this teacher is. She is very excited to tell anyone listening that she is starting Kindergarten at the same school Trevor is at. I haven't exactly told her that she is going to have to go in this summer to get her immunizations up to date, but I figure we can put that off another few weeks to avoid that constant fear a bit longer.
So we are already two weeks into the summer vacation. The first week is VBS at Trevor's old preschool. Both kids had a great time and got to hang out with some of their favorite friends. Fridays also are, for the first 8 weeks, the kids' golf lessons. I think Trevor thought with his increased ability in baseball from last year, he assumed that he'd be so much better in golf this year. Since both sports are played at the same time, I think his swing for golf needs a little more time to adjust between golf and baseball. But I do give Trevor credit, he has been wanting to get out and play as much golf as he can. Last weekend for Father's Day, he played his usual 5 hole league game, then wanted to play 18 on Saturday (but we all got to go to the par 3 course nearby our house and played only 9 and had a BLAST), followed by almost another full 18 on Sunday. We got rained out...or thundered out and finished the 16th hole. He does finally have over 100 yrds distance with his 3 wood and wants to get a driver. I would bet we can take care of that by the end of the season. Because Gwen isn't in a "hole" league this year, she hasn't gotten a chance to get out on the course yet. So when we played on Saturday, she was able to play for the first time. She kept sinking her puts and saying "hole in one". I'm glad she is not getting too frustrated while playing. She just hits the ball when she can and we teach her more of the etiquette of golf rather than swinging and such. And of course Trevor is always on the lookout for either a beverage cart or water stops. Sunday he had two snickers bars, a can of lemonade, a hot dog, and water stops along the way. I'm pretty sure the treats alone make him want to come back. But hey, you get your practice any way you can!
This week, for activities, we had Trevor doing a hockey clinic and Gwen doing gymnastics. OH was Gwen in heaven. She was finally able to have a fun gymnastics class for a whole week (ok, well actually except for Friday, we skip it to go to golf). She loved telling me all the different apparatus she got to try out, and that she was learning how to do a cartwheel. THAT was what she was looking forward to the most. Today she was telling me she learned the different positions...pike position, tuck, and straddle. They also were swinging on the bar and doing some tricks with a stuffed (I assume) caterpillar. I think based on what she told me I'm going to also sign her up for another week in a later session. Even if they do the same things, I know she will love to try to get better at all the stuff she learned. Plus they have a fun recess time as well where they get to play on the recess equipment, and eat their snack. I'm so glad she had a great experience.
With hockey for Trevor, he was in a skills clinic where they learned and practiced drills to become better skaters. Probably not the most fun week, but very necessary to keep Trevor "on his skates" in the off season. He looked to be one of the youngest kids the group, but they still regrouped them when working on drills so they had them working on different things by ability. He also just got a different size skate that seemed better for him as well, so hopefully he can skate that much better this year as well.
This weekend we are off to the lake! Hopefully the weather will hold and it will be nice enough to hang out at the beach! I'm having this sneaking suspicion that summer is going to fly by in a moment....but until it does, we still have our list of things we want to do this summer. We did check a few things off already, but we would love to be able to do them more than once, so we'll see how far we get!
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