Wednesday, July 4, 2012

After June comes July

The changing of the months are always a relatively big event at our house.  Not like "Lets have a PARTY" event, but the kids know when it is time to turn their respective calendars.  Yes, I did say calendars...because they both have two.  One in their room and one in the kitchen.  The one in the kitchen gets written on, although I have moved my calendar stuff to the phone/computer because we have needed to use it when we are out of the house and it doesn't help to only have it written on the stationary one.  So anyway, it was time to turn the calendars, and Gwen squealed with delight, "June was so much FUN! I'm excited for July!" 

She was right, June was packed with fun stuff and it has already been a banner summer with doing so much stuff that the kids have been able to enjoy.  Even though Gwen is already talking about how she is looking forward to September when school starts again, she loves to find out that she has a random playdate with a friend, or a birthday party, or a trip up to the lake.  There have been a bunch of chances to go swimming both in pools and at the lake.  We've been golfing, once as a 4some, but a bunch more times as a 3some with other family.  Baseball games have been fun for both kids because Trevor's team is winning most of their games, and Gwen has always been able to find a friend to play around with.  Gwen has been really enjoying her weekly camps, both VBS and gymnastics.  Next week is princess ballet teaparty camp.  Trevor has clay camp as well. 

The last week in June we also went on a last minute trip out to Canterbury horse racing for Kevin's birthday.  I had heard from my hairdresser who had worked there for a summer that it was a great place for kids.  We happened to go on Buck night, so everything was really inexpensive although they didn't have all the kids games up and running.  Both kids got SUCH a kick out of being so close to the races.  Trevor loved to pick a horse and cheer for it before the race started to test his guessing ability.  He got one right, and we only stayed for 3 races.  There were 5 more after we left.  It was a beautiful night and there were a lot of kids there.  But it wasn't so overwhelming so that we were bothered by another group or bothering anyone else.  I know at some point Russ wants to get out there to see what it is all about, and it may not be with the kids, but it was nice to know what it was about and have the kids have a good time too. 

So we are now into July, and have two more birthdays this month, more trips to the lake, finishing up baseball and some more camps for the kids.  We are looking into going to Valleyfair to see how the kids like that.  I'm pretty sure that will be a big hit with both kids because Trevor loves roller coasters and Gwen would go on them if she was tall enough, so we'll have to find some thrill rides for her.  It will be another fun month, I'm sure.  Although busy, I really think this summer is what fun is all about when you are a kid.  Getting outside, enjoying the weather, and doing things you can only do when school is out. 

On a different note, yesterday, I decided I needed to clean the floors on the main level.  That meant 4 different areas.  I explained it to the kids, and without any screens, they kept themselves busy together for 4 hours.  They might have had a disagreement, but it was one they solved on their own.  It was amazing.  I think it happened because we haven't been bored yet, and we almost needed a day at home to just have fun on our own.  Hopefully the kids can remember how to keep doing this because I foresee a lot of tasks getting done with the occupying of their time together.  I guess we'll see!

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