I should say, that before the continuation of Gwen's week, we did have a day where we had to give the kids equal treatment. Gwen's birthday was last Wednesday, and the next Thursday we had the kids' school conferences. I was a little bit nervous, seeing as how I had hoped that both kids were making a good impression on their teachers this year. My concern for Gwen was simply that we had made the right choice sending her early. From what she has told me, she loves it and wants to go all day. I was hoping that the teacher would feel the same way. With Trevor, he had a bit of a rough year last year, and I was just hoping this year would be a little bit easier on him. Similar to Gwen, he was remarking how well he was doing, and I was hoping his teacher would say something similar.
With both kids, I was blown away. With Trevor's teacher, she didn't focus on his "issues" simply noted how Trevor was also aware of them and working to minimize those things. She had wonderful things to say about him and has done a wonderful job of complimenting him on the things he does very well in order to build his self esteem. With Gwen, her teacher wouldn't have even known that she was young compared to her classmates except that she was telling everyone the day before that she was turning 5. He had to ask her a time or two to be sure. She has been conducting herself very well and in line with the other classmates. He also remarked at how well her class gets along with each other and that it is a really fun class to be a part of. It was so heartwarming!
So after that meeting, we picked the kids up and told them that we had been planning a trip to DisneyLand! We had just planned it a few weeks before, but wanted to make sure that they were doing well at school first. Russ was expecting yelps of joy and utter excitement, but in reality they weren't exactly jumping up and down. NOT because they were bored with the idea, but kind of like me, they needed time for the information to set in. That weekend, I got out all of our pin trading that we had done in March, and the kids got PUMPED for that. I never would have guessed that part would be really exciting, but it was. Kind of like a little treasure hunt for them. I got a bunch of pins sold in bulk off of ebay and they picked through them to decide which they were willing to trade and which ones they wanted to keep.
On Sunday, it was Gwen's family birthday party. We did have a small recognition for her on Wednesday, with just Russ, Trevor and I to sing Happy Birthday, blow out her candle on a brownie and open her Merida (Brave) costume and big Heartlake City Stables Lego Friends that had over 1000 pieces. We got her Olivia's house that had over 600 pieces around Easter and she has put that together by herself. She got about the same distance through the stables before she handed it over to me.
So Sunday, we had burgers, brats and hot dogs for dinner with french fries and chocolate cake for candles and singing time. Gwen was PUMPED for her party....so excited that everyone could come, that she got to play with and see both of her cousins....she did want to play party games, which was a little difficult given the age range of the guests...but she did have a windfall of gifts. More Lego Friends again...I believe she is 2-3 sets away from the entire Heartlake City. And she got a wonderful Barbie-sized Merida doll and horse that she is able to play with when she wants a little break from her Lego Friends. We were able to complete all 6 sets within 4 days but now she has in the teens, the number of Lego Friends characters. It is because we have so many friends, that I cannot throw away the boxes that the sets came in. She can look at the faces of the characters and know which set they came with, then will look at the box to remember the name. It is very confusing. Especially because none of the names are also friends of hers. It would be easy if their names were Megan, Ellen, Elizabeth, etc. But they are Stephanie, Sophie, Ella, etc. Cute names, just hard to remember.
Rolling right into Monday, we went to her 5 year check-up. Because we had already gotten her immunizations for Kindergarten, it was a very "boring" check up. They measured her height at 43.5" and weight at 44lbs. She's still a square...virtually. Both her height and weight measured at the 75%. The doctor told her she won't have to get shots until she is 11, which hopefully she believes him rather than asking me every week if she has to get more.
And then to round out the week, the kids' school did their drawing for their Fall Fundraiser. The "big" prize this year is a lunch with Tony Oliva, followed by a ride in a limo to DQ to eat a blizzard and drive around for a bit. They had a mid-range prize that was given to the top seller in each class, and one drawn student from each class. I had chosen to put all our purchases with Trevor so he could have more of a chance to be drawn for the drawings, because I figured, Gwen being in Kindergarten and only half-day wouldn't really care a whole lot about the lunch, or even pay that much attention to it. Found out that Trevor was not the top seller in his class, by about $50, but that he did get drawn for the classroom drawing. The overall lunch was drawn from the entire school, and Trevor was SUPER excited that he got drawn for the lunch with Tony Oliva. Would you believe Gwen got drawn too? Her name was in the bucket one time. I gave a cash donation in her name so that she could be included in the drawings, but like I said, I wanted Trevor to have more of a chance. Trevor's name was put in 5 times. Gwen was put in once. The entire school drawing, only 5 names were drawn. I'm pretty sure her odds were around 1 in 750 at least. That girl has always been crazy lucky. But I'm very thankful that Trevor was drawn too because I don't know that he would have been very happy had Gwen gotten to go, and he couldn't.
Regardless....we will be in warm California next week enjoying the company of Mickey and Lightning McQueen. I can't wait to be warm again! I know its only been a few weeks but I don't want to have to wait until March before I feel warm again!
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