But back to the kids: Last week, we got an installed Gwen's bedframe for her bedroom. With that, came the end of a 7 year era where someone was sleeping on a bed that was on the floor. Gwen was thrilled of course to be getting off the ground, but it also made me realize that she didn't need any of her 3 step stools that we had for her to help get up higher to things in the house. She can reach all the faucets to wash her hands in the bathroom, brush her teeth and the like.
This week, Gwen and the whole Kindergarten class went on a field trip to the nature center. It is amazing to see these kids and how much they have all grown in the past school year. They are almost first graders! Gwen had her first lunch at school, well, on the field trip anyway. I will say, I'm concerned about next year and her speed of eating. She, like me, is a slow eater. She is also a picky eater. She is also a social eater. So put all these things together, and I have no idea how she will get through the day eating probably less than half of what she eats now. She averages about 20 minutes to eat, but that is without any friendly distractions. When she got back from her field trip she was very hungry and had eaten about half of her lunch. Today at school they talked and made a note to their parents about going on the field trip. Gwen's favorite part of the trip, and she mentioned it again and again and again, was the bus ride. I seem to remember that it was the same thing for Trevor. But I also know that she was telling everyone she could that she got to go to school in the morning. She is looking forward to starting 1st grade, being a big kid, and all that it entails. That's going to be a totally different ballgame!
For Trevor, we have been working on becoming more dependent on me for reminders and such. I have been amazed at how much it has taken off my plate. I think he thought that it meant I was going to leave him alone completely, but because of our weekly touchbase meetings, we can evaluate things that are happening and find new ways of doing things. It has been a drastic shift for me to be much more hands-off, but I know that it means he has to figure out his own way of doing things. While I know he can't grasp what it is going to be like in high school or even middle school at this point, I think it is a good idea to at least put some thoughts in his mind now, rather than have a whole shock to the system in a few years. He is in the middle of some standardized tests which helps determine if he is accepted into the next gifted and talented program at his school.
He's also ramping up and getting into the swing of things for baseball. We have found out that for our first really traveling tournament, we will be going to Rochester. With hockey this year, we will also be traveling, probably out of town as well. So here we go. The weather could use some improving. Poor kids have only been able to do some fielding in the school gyms until the ground is good enough to play on. Yeah, the weather is a whole other issue. Everyone has stopped selling winter gear, but both kids have changed shoe sizes and don't have good boots anymore. With the snowing and melting, raining and such it sure has been wet on the snow gear!
As far as my life, I have been reflecting on that as well. Having been volunteering as my main source of time commitment outside of family, that has been shifting too. My two year stint as PTA treasurer is coming to an end in a little over two months. We have a great replacement named, and since I'm not going anywhere, I know it will be an easy transition since I can be asked questions if something is in question. But as of this September, I won't have a kid to look after an average of 5 days a week. I'm goaling myself to find something part time, or get more involved in church/school volunteer opportunities. It depends on what we need to do. I for sure would love to get more time at hot yoga. With the summer, I know I won't go as often as when the kids are at school, but it sure is nice when I get the chance to go. So peaceful.
So there is time to think about the coming changes, but they sure are coming. And coming fast. Did I mention that Trevor and I can almost wear the same size shoes? Yeah, he's growing up....in the blink of an eye.
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