So it has been about two weeks since baseball has started for both kids. Technically, I guess it is only 10 days or something, but I look at a week as Monday - Friday. Since we are almost at Friday, then it is almost two weeks ;-)
Trevor's first game, which was the same night as Gwen's baseball pictures, ended up being washed out. The field was unplayable, so I guess that means that they will have to make up that game at some point. So then his first game became the tournament over the weekend in West St. Paul. It was a late game on Friday, and two games during Saturday, where there was snow, wild wind, and rain. PERFECT weather for baseball, let me tell you!
The first game was a bit of a disaster. The team didn't even score a run. Most of the batters looked scared. The pitchers were walking everyone or the fielders couldn't field a ball to help the pitcher. The two games on Saturday were more of the same. Trevor pitched for an inning on each of the games on Saturday. He struck out 4 of the 6 outs, and threw a ball to first for another out. So he was feeling pretty good about his pitching. He is a very nervous batter, and so far has only got on base by walking or for a fielder's choice that didn't put him out.
He's had two games since then, and pitched in the first one. He struck out two, hit a batter, and walked another, but ended up with quite a few hits, so much that he went over his 50 pitch count. So he didn't finish that inning. The good thing is that he isn't not throwing strikes. If the fielding was better by everyone, I think the team would do a whole lot better. And from what I know, they know how to field, it's just they have all the bad luck during the games. If they could put it all together, I know they could win a game. Because of their coach, and the good attitude of the kids, they are still happy to be playing!
So for the past two weeks, Gwen has also been gearing up to play her baseball games. Her season was pushed back a week because of the weather, but they had two good practices last week before their games this week. She is the only girl on her team, but she knows 3 other boys from being at her school, 2 of them in her class. The reason I put her in baseball was because they don't have a similar option in softball. If I wanted her in softball, she would already be in a league where they kept score, outs, standings, etc. I thought this league, where there are no outs, everyone gets to bat, and no score is kept would be a lot less stressful. Plus, if it was impossible to be in two places at once, if she had to miss a game, I wouldn't feel bad.
Unfortunately, for her first game, I had my last PTA meeting of the school year. So I had my mom bring her to her game. Trevor had a baseball practice, so he hitched a ride with his friend. I don't know how I could have done this week without Trevor being on the team with a good friend. Anyway, I was getting texts from my mom about how Gwen was doing. They actually had a half hour practice before the game, had one inning and then they were done. It was a hot day, so no one complained. She was up to bat, and was told she had two more pitches before she got her hit! She was so excited! Then, she got to be the catcher! Super happy to be doing that as well. She got to tell the batters where they were supposed to stand and where to go after they hit.
Not without noting though, watching her with all these boys, she is definitely out of her element. All the boys are so rough and high energy, part of the time she just stands around and watches them. She has tried to keep up with them, but it really isn't in her nature. After pictures last week, she asked me when she could play softball. I think she really misses her girl friends. I'm glad we tried it, just to see how she would like it. It would also be easy to keep her in baseball if she really enjoyed it.
So this week, Russ is out of town in Canada. Looking at our schedule we have 6 baseball events, 1 dance event, 1 meeting for me, all within the span of 4 days that Russ is gone. I was doing my best to make it all work, and really looking forward to yesterday (Wednesday) being our least busy day. It was just a home game for Trevor. It started off fine, Gwen and I went to our usual envelope stuffing at school during the morning, but when we got home, Gwen was barfing. She tried some sips of water, but it came back up. Again and again. Waiting a little over an hour, and trying again. Nope...well she didn't go to school, but I was trying to figure out how baseball was going to work. Luckily my mother-in-law works so close and has offered her help whenever I need it. HELP!!!! So she came over after work to sit with a sick Gwen while I went to watch Trevor play.
She only got sick one more time, and took a nap as well. She had a freezie pop (because she can't tolerate carbonated beverages and doesn't like gatorade) that she did keep down and went to bed when we got home around 9:00. Thankfully she slept through the night and has not gotten sick since last night. We are still not going crazy with food or liquids, but she is slowly getting her energy back up. We won't be going to school or her baseball game tonight, but I think I'll be ok to let her come to Trevor's baseball game and sit by me.
During the day yesterday, it really brought me back to going through the exact same thing in grade school. When I had a stomach bug, I got it bad. I couldn't keep anything down, but after you are sick you are SO hungry and thirsty. Gwen was begging to have water, just like I used to. But as soon as she got a sip, she was sick. Within 2 minutes. Then she was crying that she was sick. I remember going so far as to suck on a wet wash cloth because that should slow down your water intake, only to get sick 5 minutes later. It was SO not fun. Gwen seemed to find some understanding when I told her that when I was a girl I went through the same thing. I am slightly worried in that she said that she is looking forward to going back to school so she can tell her classmates she got sick 5-6 times that day. Good grief. Well, at least she is looking on the fun side of being sick!
Then, to ad icing to the cake, I have a cold, in addition to getting some not so good health news from members of the extended family. Lots of prayers for everyone involved. It just hasn't been a great week this week. I'm hoping to hit the hot yoga on Saturday morning to let it all just melt away......
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