You know, you go through your head, you look at your calendar, and you think...."well, if I could just get through May....June will slow down", or "If I could just get done with school, then my time will really free up". Or how about, "Once my baby is in 1st grade...all day school...then I'll REALLY have a lot of free time." Yeah, right. It's all a big joke. I ran into one of Trevor's classmates family at a garage sale, and she was talking about how that idea never ends. It goes well into "when the kids are out of the house...." to "when I retire....." You always think you will have more time on your hands. And it NEVER happens.
So you do your best to enjoy as much of it as you can. Having two kids in various activities does make it hard to make it to everything, but with the help of the village, you do make the best of it. I decided to run out to Chicago for a day and a night to see the Rolling Stones in concert. I think it was the first time I was actually old enough to remember all the sights of downtown. We didn't see it all, but I really think I got a taste of it all. Thanks to Russ, we stayed in a ritzy hotel for the evening, and thanks to the weather, we didn't get rained on at all. It was overcast for most of the day, with rain threatening, and actually during the concert, there was a flash flood warning but we never saw any of it. We went to the park and ate at the park cafe, we found a speakeasy and had a few martinis. We enjoyed over 2 hours of great Stone's music and had no problems getting back home the next day.
The kids got some extra time playing around: Gwen got a playdate in the morning, to stay in the after school program, and then had a playdate at night during Trevor's baseball practice. She LOVED it. That girl and her social wants. It sounded like everything went smoothly fighting or what have you. When I came back, she had her dance recital practice, and then had another small playdate. Now, I would think that once school gets out, this time may be a little less hectic, but I'm thinking, probably not.
Trevor, also got to be in the after school program, but he's enjoying playing baseball as much as he can. Last night, they had their first winning game! Unfortunately, they had the late game so they weren't done until after 11pm. On a school night! I took Gwen home at about 9:30 and she crashed as her head hit the pillow. I was able to keep track of the scores through an online scoring program that one of the dad's uses. It was so FUN to watch that winning game. Trevor pitched two innings and did really well! It was for two innings that I was able to be at, so I was happy that I didn't miss that. Hopefully it will give the team a little boost that they need to get some more winning games!
This next week continues to be busy with Kindergarten "graduation", talent show, Gwen's dance recital tomorrow, baseball practices/games, and year end parties. It was a very fun year, I think, for both kids at school. I can't wait to see which teachers they get for the next school year! And maybe the weather will warm up soon???
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