Trying to catch up here....this is from way back at the end of May and beginning of June. At the end of May, before Gwen's dance recital dress
rehearsal, they had their final practice. I had seen a sign-up for parents that wanted to get their kids a trophy for being in dance 3 or 5 years, or maybe even 5 or 7 years, I cannot remember. Obviously I knew we didn't qualify and neither did any of the kids in her class. But on her last class I was pleasantly surprised to find out their teacher was handing out one of these to each classmate. While this picture was not taken when she got the medal, you can tell how happy she was to get it. We have kept all of Trevor's medals on a handle in the play area, so she has seen and even worn them as necklaces for a good amount of time. She was so excited to have one of her own, AND it is different than any of Trevor's. So she has started her own collection and will probably unknowingly be adding to the collection in July or August during her first experience with T-ball which starts in a few weeks. It will be interesting to see how she does with T-ball as she has been wanting to be just like Trevor when he has his baseball games. However, when she plays indoors, she often doesn't quite get the concept of running bases. Perhaps that will be the first thing she has to learn.

Now Trevor does not seem to care a whole lot about medals, perhaps because he has always had a lot of them from being in youth sports since he age of 3. I don't think he dislikes getting them, but he does have a special spot in his heart for this trophy that he got for performing at the talent show the last week of school. I believe this is his 5
th trophy and he knows he will be getting his 6
th after he completes his golf lessons at the end of July. It could be perhaps that it is due to professional athlete games and their trophy's, but whatever the reason, when he found out he was getting a trophy, he was overjoyed. I MAY have known about him getting a trophy before he performed, but I didn't let him know about it. I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for him. You can bet that the idea of getting another trophy is and always will be a motivating factor for him doing any event. That does mean you will see more of Trevor in the golf world, hockey world, and talent shows to come!
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