Well, we had three of them. Technically, I don't know that you would call his actual birthday a party since it was just the family. Regardless...it was something else I had to organize. We had his family party on Sunday prior to his day. It was a day for the Bears vs. Vikings football game....glorious game. We watched it and when the Bears won, Trevor quickly removed his Vikings jersey only to prove that he was cheering for both teams and had his Bears jersey underneath.
Trevor wanted his traditional spaghetti (two years now) dinner instead of pizza or lasagna. We ate, sang happy birthday and opened gifts. After that, it was time to clean up and get ready for school the next morning, so he didn't really get a long chance to play with his gifts. He opened his character Ninjago sets because those he could put together quickly and play with. This Sunday was the last day of the kids' 5 day break from school. So we had to make sure we were ready to go the next day.
On Tuesday, we had spaghetti again, and he got his gifts from us. This time, he had to run to hockey practice and since Monday is going from school to chess to dance class (for Gwen, not for Trevor), he hadn't had any chance to play with his gifts until Thursday (Wednesday is swimming and religion class.) But wait...Thursday was the last school day of the week for him, so we decided to have his sleepover party with 3 of his friends since they didn't have school and he didn't have hockey on Friday. Turns out, two of the three boys had never had a sleepover at a friends house before, so it was somewhat of an experiment. One of the two did have a hard time falling asleep, but finally did so right around 11:45. Then they were up again at about 5:30am. I suppose at some point, I will have to do this with Gwen to keep it all equal, but I can guarantee I'm not doing a group of guys again. I can handle one at a time. Its not a big deal at all. But wrangling and keeping all 4 of them busy and entertained was not all that easy. Perhaps I should have pushed it away from the other parties because I was seriously burned out by this point in the month.
The one saving grace through all of this was that the boys were saying the next day how awesome of a party it was. That was my hope....Trevor had been to a sleepover party earlier in the year which was where he got the idea. So I'm glad he got to feel as special as he did having more than one friend over to stay over night.
And with that....this weekend we were finally able to get out the Christmas decorations. His birthday celebration is done. Time to get reorganized and ready for the incoming gifts this month. I'm finally feeling like I can start to cross things off the list now. Here's hoping!
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