Saturday, February 20, 2010

A better week...except for

Overall, Trevor has been making a lot of progress with a little program of sticker charts that his teacher is working with him on. He can now visibly tell and know if he has completed his two goals for the day. Last week, for five days, he got a total of 3 stickers out of a possible 10. This week, he got a total of 6 out of 8.

Just one little problem this week:
This was the book that Trevor brought home from his weekly trip to the library. He right away explained that the librarian let him get if that would stop me from not letting him read it.
A few weeks ago he brought home a book about disgusting foods. So he probably was looking for a similar fun book to read. Watching the Ghostbusters movies seems to have given him a brave streak.
ah well...what can you do. I guess it is better this than a playboy magazine or something now, right???

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