Thursday, February 18, 2010

President's Day Week

Well, the week started off with a very long Nascar race. Not that anyone except Trevor really cares, but I guess it was due to the track buckling and creating potholes. They had to stop the race a few times and repair the potholes for safety concerns. It went from noon until 7:00 or so. Trevor got to see the end of it, and has been asking about watching it again on Sunday.

On Monday, we had a few moms and their kids over for a playdate due to no school on Monday. It was great to visit with them and have my mom-time. Russ has not started traveling yet, but when he does, I'll be sure to be getting together, or trying to a lot more for my sanity.

After the playdate, and lunch we went to the grocery store. I had never tried this with the kids. Usually, I'm worried about Gwen taking a nap at some point, but she has been going without her nap more days this week than she has napped. I'm NOT looking forward to her not napping, so I will be keeping quiet time for her longer than when she is done napping. I need the time during the day to do some studying.

This Tuesday was the last day for my second quarter of school. I don't have my grade back for accounting, but I'm pretty sure I got my desired A in both classes. Next quarter I have a science class which I have a feeling will be a breeze. I was telling Russ, I felt like both Humanities and Business Law were good college-level classes, however based on the book I received for the science class, I am going to have a hard time thinking that it is anything higher than high school material. I had to take college science classes 10+ years ago, and they were tricky. But the reason they didn't transfer is because this is supposed to be a 3000 level class, not a 1000 level class like I took. But what can I do? At least I have accounting to fall back on. I'm learning a lot in those classes.

Trevor is done with this session of swimming lessons. While he didn't "graduate" I have no doubt that when he is swimming in pools this summer, he won't have any problem swimming without any floatation devices. It is a cool feeling to know that. He really has developed a huge confidence in knowing how to swim and if he gets tired, he is GREAT at floating. We'll have to see what to do this summer. Summer classes are beginning to form. And I'm HAPPY to be thinking summer in February.

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