Sunday, October 31, 2010

The end of the Birthday Month

Well, I didn't get around to formally asking my mom if it was ok to post these things, but when I thought about it, I really couldn't come up with a reason why she wouldn't want me to post this. And since I posted the ones about my dad, it is only fitting that I post the ones I did for my mom. I also believe that affirming good thoughts keeps them coming. I'm sorry I didn't get these out on your actual birthday, but it was a birthday month, wasn't it? So happy birthday month mom!

Here are the 60 reasons why I love you:
1. For being Bubba
2. For keeping an eye on us kids by working at school
3. For being a stay-at-home mom
4. For being so close and open about your family
5. For trying the family meeting
6. For bringing us to the Children’s Theater
7. For making my birthday special
8. For being there to take care of Trevor when Russ and I were sick
9. For being a night owl
10. For the way you make chocolate chip cookies
11. For your love of late night games
12. For letting me see a little of your relationship with your mom
13. For helping me learn from your mistakes
14. For being involved at school as a chaperone for field trips
15. For helping organize and run events like the school carnival
16. For taking me school shopping every year for new clothes
17. For allowing me to date before I could drive
18. For teaching me how to sew
19. For teaching me how to cross-stitch
20. For letting me have my own boy-girl party
21. For not forcing me to do activities if I said I didn’t want to
22. For showing me the value of the Catholic religion
23. For the countless times you have cleaned my house
24. For praising me about what a good mom I try to be
25. For showing me through example that it is important to take time out for yourself
26. For sharing the time of being mother of the bride with me
27. For generally not showing dissatisfaction with any of the guys I dated
28. For not trying to live vicariously through me
29. For taking us on trips without dad
30. For standing in such outrageous lines to be on TV and getting me my own Cabbage Patch doll
31. For taking care of me whenever I was in the hospital, had surgery, or had major testing done
32. For shielding us from your and dad’s arguments
33. For finding ways to keep me learning in school
34. For piano/music lessons
35. For finding ways to continue “Grandma with glasses” traditions with her great-grandchildren
36. For participating in your grandchildren’s favorite activities (currently baseball and playing food)
37. For doing my hair all those years
38. For teaching me about family responsibility and how to clean (I really needed the teaching) through chores
39. For once-in-a-while breaking your own rules – for example food fights
40. For sewing and creating so many of my Halloween costumes
41. For teaching me about pets through Cleo, Corky, and then Rudy
42. For your love of reading and kids books
43. For your love of crossword puzzles
44. For making family videos
45. For the annual Christmas Cookie decorating complaining-fest
46. For organizing and allowing me to take trips by myself: Paris and Madison by train
47. For trusting me enough to let me babysit both inside and outside the home
48. You may not remember this, but letting me play with your jewelry and organize your underwear drawer
49. For taking care of your grandchildren during any previous or future Tiki Bar trips
50. For creating and reciting our evening prayer: “Now goodnight, Jesus sweet, let me kiss thy little feet
51. For singing us lullabies
52. For TV trays with TV dinners!
53. For donations during casino trips
54. For all your words of encouragement to me about being a good parent
55. For creating lunches like a beefstick sandwich
56. For your rice krispie treats
57. For your “love” of playdough yet providing us with toys in order to play with it
58. For your Orange Juliuses
59. For the way you decorate for major holidays
60. From Trevor: How kind and loving you are to people when they are hurt.

Also from Trevor: That you don’t kill people. That you tell us to back up when something is hot like the stove. You read to us a lot.

The story about the Trevor post was that he gave me such a good answer when I asked him what he loved about Bubba I thought I might add a few more. Except when he gave me the few more, I felt like they belonged more to him and didn't fit with my 60 reasons. So he got one, and a few added ideas.

We all love you so much Bubba!

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