A crazy week at that. I had thought the day that I brought Gwen to the other room at preschool that I would have time to get some things done, or simply rest at home. Not so. This week was a typical week in that the kids had school on their normal days, we had Trevor's first piano lesson, Gwen had dance lessons, and both kids had swimming lessons. It wasn't that so much that made me feel busy, but then add to that a few "extra" events, Norwex party, Gwen in the other room at preschool, Trevor's school had a fundraiser event that I helped organize, and a Gopher Basketball game.
Looking back, most of these events went very smoothly, but put together it made for a very hectic week. Then throw in the fact that we have had toilet issues to add to the mess. Thankfully those problems are solved for the time being but when it rains, it pours.
Gwen went to the childcare portion of her preschool with huge excitement. When I came to pick her up 3 1/2 hours later, she was beside herself as I'm sure she was a flood of emotions at meeting all the new people, playing with all the toys, and learning an all-new routine. Then the next day she had preschool in her usual fashion. But when I picked her up on Wednesday, she really was not sure how she was supposed to feel and burst out crying when she saw me, but made sure I understood she had a great time.
Later that same day we went to Trevor's school for a Magic Show. It was a fun event to watch and hear the kid's reactions. After next week, with one more event the Fall Fundraiser will finally be complete. Just in time to think about signing next school year's contract. Word to the wise: Do not believe a "simple" committee is any less work than a "complex" one and that even a well run and documented committee takes many hours to keep up with organizing and responding to people's questions even months after the event takes place. Hopefully with my one year of experience under my belt next year will run more smoothly and I can plan the event and my part of it better.
Dance lessons for Gwen, also that night went a bit smoother than last week. I think Gwen is testing a little bit, the teacher's boundaries in what she is having the kids do, but I was glad to see that Gwen got her sticker for being a good listener and I hear their spring recital costumes come in March, so I'll be interested to see what she thinks of that outfit. I have a hard time believing that she will not want to open it right up and have it become part of her princess wardrobe.
On to Trevor's first piano lessons. He has been assigned to a young male teacher, who seems to be pretty laid back. But also does a very good job of listening and trying to gauge Trevor's tolerance for learning. I think it is hard for Trevor to understand, and me to tell him what to expect when neither of us knows exactly what is going to happen. I was able to do some cleaning while the guys were practicing the piano during the lesson but still able to hear what the lesson was teaching Trevor. I completely remember some of the exact same lessons. His teacher told him that he needs to practice 15 minutes a day on the days that he does not have a lesson. I'm happy to have heard that he specified that to Trevor and it is such an easy thing to add to our routine of also having to read for school before he gets any of his Nintendo time. He had his first practice time, but I wasn't able to sit down with him and I think he instead of practicing what he was learning, he tried to attempt a quick song I taught him as his practicing time. So from now on, I think I'm going to have to make sure he at least gets started on a good spot to practice.
So then Thursday evening, Russ and I headed out to the Gopher Basketball game against Purdue. It was a very well-played game, and we got a lot of commentary from older gentlemen about how the gophers were playing that game and during the rest of the season. I will go on another date night with my son on Sunday to another basketball game, this time against Iowa.
Moving to Friday, it was supposed to be low key day. Laundry should have been the most exciting event of the day, however with Gwen still battling yet another cold, I figured it was time she got checked out, just to rule out a lingering issue. Sure enough, she had an ear infection. The last one she had in September, she screamed to me that her ear hurt. This one was a complete puzzle other than the cold and lack of eating. Regardless, it is time she got better as I would like at least a few days or maybe even a week of a healthy household. I even disinfected both of the kids' rooms as a request of my mom's but I wonder if I did it too early or something. At least soon I'll be getting some reinforcing cleaning products soon from the Norwex party earlier that week.
So this week, Trevor doesn't have school on Monday, but we still have a pretty normal schedule. Hopefully it will be a better adjusted week. Maybe....I can keep hoping.
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