Saturday, February 18, 2012

The crazy activities of Trevor

I guess it had to happen at some point.  Hockey can be a little bit crazy when it is the season.  I asked Trevor if he wanted to do the 7 week basketball program at the YMCA and one of those dates, he also had 3 other hockey things at.  Two scrimmages and one practice.  He did all 4 things and didn't fall apart.  We celebrated with a cheers at Baker's Square that evening.   Because of the warm season we have had this winter, most of the outdoor times that the team was supposed to have, have completely fallen apart. 

We had his parent/teacher conference the second week in February.  That was a nice meeting where we came out if it with a few things to work on, but overall, having a kid with a 6th grade reading level, having completed all of the 2nd grade math requirements by mid-year is a definite proud moment for us parents;-)  Thanks Trevor! 

He's quickly moving up in the ranks of chess club.  I'm not really sure how it exactly works, but that he says he is winning more games than he is losing and when he wins a certain amount he gets to move up to a higher group.  He has learned notation, but I know he doesn't care much for it.  I think he likes when games move pretty quickly. 

So, in discussions on facebook, and reading some friends' blogs, it has become very apparent that I have become the parent of two longer toddlers or babies but kids.  Gwen rarely, but does still have a crying tantrum side that can be easy to remind me that she is a littler kid.  Trevor has not done the tantrum thing in a very long while but has graduated to the arguing.  And the bating.  And does not give up.  He's too smart for his own good.  If' I've had my rest, I can walk away and explain it is not up for argument, but when I'm not well rested enough....he gets me pretty good.  And another side to him growing up is his consciousness of being looked upon as "baby-ish".  He will still talk about Bubba, but is not a natural word for him to use anymore.  He won't use it when he's talking with his friends, and similar to Lightning McQueen and Buzz Lightyear discussions. 

Although I do notice that I can still pull out the little kid Trevor when he isn't influenced by peer pressure.  For example, we got a disney on ice coming up, and I expected that I could convince Trevor to not go based on the fact that it was very princess oriented.  But nope....he wants to come with.  I am so glad that I decided to book a hair spray event for Trevor at the same time Gwen is getting her princess makeover at Disney World.  He may be my young man, but he still is my baby boy.

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