Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A beautiful end and a wonderful beginning

Thursday was HOT.  We spent the afternoon at a family friend's pool.  Everyone was getting ready for their back-to-school meeting the teachers evening.  So it was a great way to close out the summer with friends.  The kids did very well playing together.  As the kids get older it gets easier and easier to relax and not worry about them.  I love my mom friends and know that these friendships will be around for a long time.  Of the group that was at the pool, there are 6 families and none of us go to the same elementary school.  I've told a few of my friends that I think it works out REALLY well.  At least from my perspective.  My kids think it is a huge treat to be able to see these friends as opposed to seeing them every day at school as well.  I hope it continues into their teens!

So we made it to back-to-school night and unloaded the school supplies, met the new teachers, the kids saw their school friends, and I tried to keep it all together organizationally.  There is so much to try to keep track of and get ready for our first PTA meeting.  So not only did I play the part of parent, I also had to help with the PTA stuff too. 

As soon as Friday rolled around, we were off to the lake for a beautiful weekend of sun, water, golf, and fun family times.  The weather was nice and warm for me, although not warm enough for me to want to go swimming....but I was able to watch the kids if they did want to swim. 

Apparently, it was the weekend for Trevor to grow well beyond his years because he drove the boat by himself, could have been offered an alcoholic drink (which he could never drink if it was any form of carbonation...he tried it again and could not drink it), and then was asked to go behind the bar and serve a drink or two.  What got me was that Trevor didn't ask for ANY of it.  People were just willing to give it to him.  The kid already thinks he is the coolest thing out there, and I have no idea if it is possible, but if so his head grew even larger that weekend. 

I wanted to drive back home from the lake on Sunday instead of Monday so the kids could have two nights of sleeping in their beds, so we started back after dinner...around 6:15.  Gwen was so exhausted that she slept the whole way home and all the way until the next morning, around 6:30 and she was happily playing in her room until my required 7:00am time.  Trevor was ready to fall asleep before we got home at 8:30 but made it upstairs and asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. 

And on the final day of our summer vacation, we were blessed with the arrival of becoming an aunt, uncle, and cousin to the newest Johnson boy.  I dropped Russ off at the hospital where he was delivered a few hours after we were back in town so he got to meet little Adam right away.  The kids love him and are excited to watch him grow.  I couldn't think of a better way to end our summer vacation than with the start of a new life in the family.   

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