Saturday, July 18, 2009

Golf stuff

So I've been behind. We were at the cabin this week...not the best of weather, but what can you do about that.

Last weekend, I'd like to record as my first sub-100 score recorded. At least at my "home" course. I know I've never gotten one at Tartan, but I don't know that I have ever recorded my score at EVERY course I've played there is a slight chance I might have gotten under 100 somewhere else.

So that was pretty cool.

Then on Thursday, Trevor and I played 9 holes at Skyline. I don't think I have ever played at the course before, and after parring the first hole, I thought I might be on a good streak. After Trevor beat me on the 2nd hole, I decided that was the end of the good luck. Oh well. It was fun to see that Trevor now has "good shots" and shots he wants to hit over again. And that he could ride in the cart for his good shots.

We had a nice burger buck lunch and headed home for a nice but windy day at the lake.

Meanwhile, Russ and his dad competed in our club's member-guest tournament and finished 3rd overall on Friday and 2nd on Saturday. So golf has been good lately! Can't wait to see if we can do anything next month for the Championships.

More on the rest of the week later....

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