Well, I know what would happen. But for some reason, Gwen decided that I needed to play with her all the time yesterday. We went from dropping Trevor off at the bus to the grocery store. So I had $100 of groceries in the back of the car when we came back to the house. As soon as we were in the door, Gwen said, "Mommy, come play dolls with me?" She hasn't really done this as an immediate request, so I thought, awww....how cute. Of course I couldn't get the fact that I had melting groceries in the back of the car out of my mind. But we did a few slides down the roof of the doll house, some hide and seek and then we moved on to the, "Mommy, come play cheeseburgers with me?" Leading to the "Sit right here." Which is my designated spot on the floor where we play cheeseburgers. She is the chef, and brings all the kitchen supplies and food over to me.
After I got the groceries out of the car, I figured it would be a good idea to get out to the park. There weren't any kids at the park, but we got a good turn on everything she liked to play with before we came home. No screaming, no real protesting either.
We got Trevor off of the bus after lunch, where he was in his Sports Camp this week. I could see how much fun he had when he got off of the bus. His hat was wet from sweat. He said that that day was soccer and that maybe the next day would be kickball. Being as active as he is, I know he had a great time.
Today is his last night of t-ball for the season. That is going to be pretty hard to be done with. I know he'll be waiting for it to start up again in the spring.
Unfortunately, during the afternoon, Gwen decided she didn't want to nap. She still had her quiet time, but it was the second time in the past 3 days that she has done this. Yikes. I know it's temporary, and she's still a ways off from not napping, but I don't even like the glimpse.
So if we ran the day the way that Gwen wanted it, I'm pretty sure we'd be playing all day long.
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