Saturday, August 29, 2009

The game of Monopoly

We have a few things going for us with this game. Trevor likes to play games....what kid doesn't?.....and has seen mom play some games on pogo's site including Monopoly. We have the game for Wii as well. In addition to a Twin Cities version of the game (in "real life") we also have the Nintendo version. This is Trevor's favorite. And now that I've given him two dice to play the game with, he is doing really well understanding the game. I'm not playing with him yet, because a big part of playing the game is his imagination to come up with how to play the game. But slowly I've been teaching him how the game works. I LOVE how fast he is becoming familiar with the addition of the two dice. He started out having to count everything out, but now, he recognizes a good portion of the rolls and knows what the sum is almost immediately. So if anyone needs a fun thing for kids to learn their addition, I do recommend playing a game with two dice.

Most recently, he has been using the property cards, which in this case are characters from the most popular Nintendo games. He matches the cards up to where they are on the board, and is starting to talk about buying them. Hopefully soon we'll be actually able to play the game. I did look on the box, and it is recommended for ages 8 and up. I thought it was 10, but we still have some time.

Of course Gwen would love to be playing whatever we are playing, but she is ok with coloring and coloring and coloring. I've finally gotten out her new 16 color box of crayons, and upgrade from her 8 box that was pretty worn down. She was in heaven. All the new colors, including PINK that she never had before, and how new the crayons are.....she loves to color. Maybe she'll have a career in the arts.

Trevor got a little cold this week, but it was gone pretty quick. Now Gwen has it, and she isn't really having a good time with it. She is much more irritable. But I guess it is our turn. We haven't been sick much at all this year. She should be better soon. Right now, she was up this morning, but asked me to shut the door and seems to have gone back down for another rest.

As a side note, I shot my best round of the year at league on Tuesday. A 46 with 4 pars, two of which should have been birdies. Too bad I couldn't post that on Sunday, maybe we could have earned more money than we did.

So this week is the last week of summer. So far we just have a trip to the fair this week, and then heading to the cabin for the weekend. Tonight is Trevor's Twins game with me. It's our first date night.

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