Sunday, April 11, 2010

Last night of Spring Break

Well, we made it. The last few days were rough. I was losing my patience, but at least the weather made it tolerable this weekend. Trevor has been talking about how much he misses his teacher, so that's got to be a good sign, right? He made a big jump to riding on his two-wheeler during this week as well. This afternoon he rode his bike while Russ ran with him. I know Russ wanted to go farther, but our area has a lot of big hills that Trevor wouldn't really be able to get up and down quickly on a bike. Maybe they'll figure out a longer path someday. But for now, he is enjoying being able to find a use for his bike.

Gwen has woken up a few nights this past week for no real reason. I'm guessing it is a developmental thing, or maybe molar teething or something. I was trying to remember, and I think since she was 6 months old, this is the first time I've had to actually calm her down. The other morning at 6am, she had woken up and started pounding on the door. It woke everyone up, but I was able to calm her back down to play quietly in her room. During naptime, she even fell back asleep once I brought her downstairs. Usually her naps aren't when she sleeps very long, or well, but something is going on that is making her a little off.

Regardless, I think everyone wants to be back to their normal routine. Hopefully the weather will keep cooperating, and we won't see any more snow or cold weather for another 3/4 of a year. (A girl can dream, right?)

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