Friday, June 11, 2010

Finishing Trevor

So there were a few more things I wanted to add. Simply put, he grew up a lot this school year. He lost his first two teeth. I measured him again, and he grew 2.5 inches in the last 6 months. He's now up to 4ft 2.5 inches. I think he said he is the 3rd tallest in his class, although him and the two other boys are pretty much the same height. He learned how to ride his two wheeler. He learned how to swim. He had his first "friend" sleepovers.

We got his report card today as a mark to the end of school. He did really, really well. The only area he needs work on, is due to me not working on it. I feel a little puzzled by which kind of scissors to buy him. So unknowingly, I bought him left handed scissors. But maybe because he writes with his right hand, he should have right handed scissors? Anyway, his scissor skills aren't where they need to be, and his other fine motor skills could use some work. But really, looking at the big picture, am I really worried that 10 years from now, we really are going to be talking about how he needs to work on cutting things out? I hope not!

A lot of the area that we put a lot of time and effort into was in the behavior side of things. We used a sticker chart that we developed with his teacher to help Trevor, and us, know what kind of a day he had. I really think it helped him grasp what was expected of him more. His scores in the specific areas we devoted to working on went from 1's to 3's. 3's being where he should be at, and 4 being the highest score you can get. I'm hoping that because his teacher obviously sees improvement from mid-year that he has perhaps turned a corner on his behavior, and we are working towards a much easier time.

Next up, is little Gwen....

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