Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's another new year

Another new year in the life of Trevor. Dearest Trevor, how you have changed the lives of so many people just by being you. While it hasn't always been simple, and it has often been something I, as a parent, have to sort my way through because it is a whole new experience for me; I have loved watching you grow to become the little man you are quickly becoming. It is one of my favorite events to watch you have a huge glow of excitement coupled with quick jumping and wrist flapping at the things that make you happy. One of your most favorite activities is anything social. You love baseball, playing with your best friend, or having people over for one of your events.

I love that you are inherently helpful and I will continue to use that to my advantage. I know it makes both our hearts sing when you can do something for someone else and gain the pride from doing it. I love that you love to read and have finally found a series of books to read. I love that your school has programs that fit your learning style and your teacher has helped tremendously in working to make your experience the best possible. I love that you are always noted as a kind and caring person to other classmates.

Although some may think it is strange, I also love that I know you well enough to know what you are thinking most of the time. This is the first school year that you are gone all day, and I have been a little sad by that, but like I mentioned, it is wonderful so see and hear about all the things you are learning and enjoy doing. Maybe genetics has a lot to do with temperment and spending so much time together in the early years is working in our favor.

I love your love of video games and games in general. Your love of baseball is very apparent even at this age, and I know it is going to be something you will be thinking about or doing for a long time. As soon as it was done in October, you were asking when spring training started and when opening day is. You love to make baseball lineups, not with family but various celebrity (by your standards). Yes, most of the people are Twins players, but then you'll throw in Obama and Tiger Woods into the mix as well.

You memory is fantastic, and I suppose it can be detrimental on some occasions, it is another way you can get excited. You ask questions on more than one occasion about what I like, not because you don't remember but you want to find some way to make it happen so I will be happy. You know that I hate the cold and snow, but want to remind me that my birthday and Christmas are in the winter so that has to be good for something.

And it is with that that I shall say, Happy 7th Birthday Trevor! I can't wait to experience all your jumping wrist flapping that you have planned for today. It is your special day.


As this part of our season comes to a close, I am remembering all the things to be thankful for this year. Health, happiness, family, financial stability, preparing for the future, vacations, warm weather thoughts right about now. It was a very happy Thanksgiving here at our house. We host it every year, and invite everyone to come, and people who are able to make it do. Of course with Trevor's birthday either on or nearby, it can be a lot to ask people to do both Thanksgiving and his birthday at our place. But we are thankful to not have to split Thanksgivings ourselves. There was a time many years ago where that is what we would have to do.

I was also able to not feel very rushed as I'm beginning to really get down the rhythm of things that need to get done and the timing of it all. Other than cleaning and buying all the ingredients, I don't really do a lot of prep work. I finally feel confident to pull it all together. I wonder if that's a signal to getting older.

I was also able to get out early with a friend this morning for the Black Friday deals. Usually I don't go unless I have a specific must have deal in mind. Next year, if this becomes a tradition, I think I'll wait and plan for more gifts. There were some great deals if I wanted to get them, but I felt like I had the gifts covered already. We were in line when Target opened at 4am, which was at least an hour earlier than previous years. It wasn't crazy, like pushing people over, but it was very busy and the line wrapped around two buildings.

We went to two other stores before getting too tuckered out. Gwen didn't sleep well the night previously and I wasn't able to get much sleep as a result. But I did get a nap when I got home. But now starts the new season. Trevor has his birthday and then we formally celebrate the coming of Christmas. Although Gwen's birthday is "first", Trevor's birthday kicks off Christmas and I think he likes that as part of his birthday.

Hope all my friends and family had a wonderful day and knows how thankful I am to have everyone in our lives.

Monday, November 22, 2010

There went another week

Those of you that are keeping track, we are now less than 5 weeks from Christmas. I suppose I better get ordering/shopping or whatever it is I am going to do. I think it is hard for me to get motivated before Thanksgiving. Maybe this year is an exception because with Trevor's birthday I kind of have to plan out what to get for his birthday and what to save for Christmas.

Anyway, the weekend was crazy busy with hockey, basketball, the kids got to see Curious George the live action show, and then we had a birthday party as well. Because both kids were busy at the show on Saturday I actually got a lot of organizing and cleaning and homework done. I'll have to remember that. Usually when the kids are gone, we have an event to go to, so nothing still gets done around the house. But this weekend was the exception. I actually feel pretty good about the condition of the house right now. Granted, I'm not even touching the family room or the kitchen until Wednesday because the kids would destroy it again before Thursday anyway.

And that brings me to a new event. I was actually able to get Trevor to vacuum for me. I explained that tonight we were going to clean and that everyone had to pitch in. I was pretty sure that Gwen would do the opposite of cleaning up, but I had to give her a job, to keep it fair. Trevor's job was to dust and vacuum both sets of stairs. We have a loud but small hand held vacuum for doing stairs that I have used for many years. While I'm sure the dyson we have works better, I knew he couldn't handle the big thing. Luckily the hand held has a lower and higher setting, so at least he could tolerate the lower setting. I knew I was going to have to show him exactly what he had to do with the vacuum but he did it to perfection. He didn't whip through it like some people do, he took his time and got through it all, and they look great. I was able to clean up the laundry room in the mean time.

I think I can safely say, he can start doing some real chores now. He has liked to clean his room, probably because it doesn't really ever get all that messy. Actually, he has never really been a messy kid, perhaps because he doesn't really own that much stuff, or I get rid of it really quick. But what ever the reason, I'll take his thoroughness in cleaning and enjoying to the point of not complaining. And NO, he is not for hire because I don't want to ruin this for us. Even offering him money does no good because he thinks he has so much money he needs to give it away. He won a small chuck-a-puck game this weekend and was trying to give it to me because he knew I had to buy birthday presents for him. Did I mention he is impossible to buy gifts for because he doesn't want anything? I'm all out of ideas for this kid. We'll see how we make it through this week.

Monday, November 15, 2010

What a wonderful day

Well, we are on the downside of a bump....I can feel it. Gwen has been clingy and upset for a while now and I think she is slowly getting over it. Usually our Mondays are pretty low key, and that my only for sure plan is to go to the grocery store. I was able to get through the entire store and picked up everything on my list, so I can say I'm ready to start the Thanksgiving Day planning. Gwen did a great job as always, and as long as Trevor isn't nearby she can stay still for quite a while, especially with the bribe of a free cookie.

When we got home, she played in the car for a while, and I started to unpack the groceries. I also do the laundry on Mondays, so that was something I was also keeping an eye on. She asked to play Candy Land while I was in the middle of unpacking, so I asked her if I could finish unpacking, change the laundry and I would play with her. I got the box down so she could set it up for us.

As soon as I came into the room, she knew we were ready to go. I know she had previously played the game with my mom, although I don't know how "by the rules" they played it. So I tried to teach it to her, and she picked it right up! I got stuck in the molasses, and I picked the beginning candy, in this one a plum, right towards the end, so I had no chance. I explained that you are just trying to get to the end, which again in this game is a castle. She never cared if she was winning, and waited for me to finish after she was done. It is so nice to think of her starting to play the little kid games! I'm sure Hi Ho Cherry O is next, but for now, she still has the gingerbread guys out and playing in the Cinderella Castle or laying down in the bed (because every toy quickly becomes a doll family accessory, don't you know?).

That and now that she can do every 24 piece puzzle we have, by herself, has just shocked me into believing that she is quickly growing up. But what is even more amazing, after I spent the time playing Candy Land with her, she pretty much let me clean the rest of the house. That is a wonderful thing, when I get to do that. I'm pretty good (or should I say bad about the housework) about putting down the unimportant housework and playing with Gwen when she wants to, but that leads to a pretty messy house.

So what a wonderful surprise today turned out to be. Thanks Gwen! It was a heart warming and successful cleaning day for me!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Is it a funny story? To me anyway...

Seeing as this blog is meant to be a reference for the kids someday, I suppose they deserve to hear the story of how Russ and I met. I am taking a slight risk since there are other people involved that I am currently friends with on facebook and this does get published on facebook, so hopefully I don't step on anyone's toes.

Russ and I have talked about this enough to know each other's viewpoints on the situation which is why to us it is slightly funny. He was a junior in high school, I was a senior. Neither one of us were looking for a relationship, let alone trying out for husband/wife material. Russ's best friend and my good friend were currently dating, and both friends asked us to come along on a sort-of meeting, date, whatever you want to call it. I just thought I was coming to go to watch a cross country meet. I also wasn't sure what my "role" was because I got the impression that it wasn't really a set-up situation, more just a bunch of people getting together.

By the end of the night, I was practically begging my friend to go back so we could hang out again. We ended up circling the parking lot trying to figure out which apartment complex they were in because we weren't exactly sure. Remember, this was way before the time kids had cell phones.

I guess what really strikes me is how un-set-up the set-up was, and how neither of us was really going into the evening expecting to come out of it with a serious relationship, let alone find our life partners. It just goes to show, finding things comes when you least expect it.

Do you remember what you were doing?

15 years ago? I do. I just happened to be meeting my future husband and wonderful father to my two beautiful children. While we don't ever plan anything for our pseudo-anniversary, I do think it is always nice to remember the date and always laugh about the circumstances that we were brought together.

And also, because it seems to be a wonderful way to recognize and give thanks for all relationships, I give you:

The 11 reasons why I'm thankful to have such a wonderful husband that I do:
1. That you are able to provide for our family to the extent that I have the opportunity to stay and home and raise the children. It has been such an invaluable experience and while there were plenty of times that I was driven crazy through not enough adult-time, I wouldn't give it back for anything.
2. For your stubbornness. While disagreements can be tough on both sides, I do think that it has taught me to become more flexible and listening to another side of the story.
3. For your movie quoting ability. Something both kids have inherited which makes me giggle, although Gwen has also taken it to a different place in that she loves to memorize song lyrics.
4. For your sense of humor. My family knows you are good for your quick comebacks and memorable thoughts in a situation: Kettle, black and Remember baby Jesus to name a few.
5. For your intelligence. You are always going to be the parent to go to when the kids are in high school and have questions in history, english, social studies, science, and probably math. Although I'd like to try the math part since I did enjoy it. I'll take the music side of things when we get the kids in music lessons.
6. For your way with children. Both as a coach and as a parent, kids love to play with you. Must be that inner child or something.
7. For being a techie. I'm pretty sure the amount of money you have saved us by being able to fix things is at least a year's salary by now.
8. For loving nintendo like I do. While we may not agree on all the same games, at least I can try to kick your butt in Mario Kart or Super Mario Brothers once in a while. Not to say I win all that often, but I still like to try.
9. For being my partner if I am too sick or need to get something else done by taking the kids.
10. For being my golf partner. It is so much fun to share that time with you as I enjoy it - assuming we are in Hawaii, or a warm stretch in Florida or Minnesota.
11. For letting me be who I am - a disney nut job, accounting-loving, cheapskate mother of two. To steal a movie line, "you complete me" yet know not to change me and love me regardless. Only two more years and I will have known you for more than half my life (only one for you, you youngun :-)

Of course I could continue to go on and on with this list, but 11 being the lucky number here I will stop. I love you Russ.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You would think they would be more different

Well yesterday was a busy day. Happily so, as nothing was too much, yet the day went by so fast because we had so much going on. Grocery store, playdate, closing on our refinance, getting Gwen's new dresser, playdate, and Gwen's preschool conference. In addition, it is nice to get some things done that needed to finally be over with. Our refinance started before Labor Day, and we closed in November. Wow.

And we went to Gwen's conference at her preschool. The kids were able to play in the childcare room where there are tons of toys, and the meeting was just 20 minutes. Now, I do have to remember that Gwen is going to preschool a year earlier than Trevor did, but really, just about everything that she was evaluated on, she came out just like Trevor. I guess there is something to say about the strong characteristics of nature and nurture. Gender and birth order don't have a whole lot to do with it, at least in our family. Wait, I do have to say that she was reported to be in love with their dress-up corner, and playing princesses and house. I can't say that Trevor was ever that into those things. He much preferred cars and blocks.

She is doing a great job learning to share, developing friendships, knowing her number relationships, and she is working on listening to instructions, and fine motor skills with cutting and drawing her name. She also is learning about her emotions and how to label them and deal with them. I guess that would be one other difference between her and Trevor. She is a lot more emotional quicker. At the conference, I hit a big light-bulb moment. I had been noticing that she had been a lot more whiny lately, even to the point of not wanting to talk about what she wanted, more cry about it. All you really can do in that situation is explain that I need her to tell me what is going on, that I cannot understand her when she cries. When her teacher said that she noticed it had increased in the last week or so, that is when the light bulb hit. While we don't have a new baby in our house, we do have a new baby in our extended family, and one that I have been lucky enough to spend a decent amount of time with, and Gwen knows that. I'm guessing that if we were to have a new baby in the house at this point, this behavior would only be many times worse. So her teacher noted that she would read some new baby books to see if maybe that may help her understand her feelings more. I'm very thankful that she can get this experience without me having to have another baby!

But bottom line, we were very pleased with both kids' conferences this year. So bring on the holidays!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm already behind

We've had a pretty good week, and I've been meaning to post earlier this week, but haven't found the time. I'm already in my 4th week of classes (we have 10 weeks in class) and they are actually manageable. No more papers, which usually take up the most of my time. Trevor's school stuff is in process for being done. Maybe I can catch up a little on that during his and Gwen's two days off of school next week. But that is when our new furnace is coming and we are closing on our refinance. Blah.

We had a really good Halloween. A family friend threw a little party for everyone to say hi and see everyone's costumes. Then we could go off and do trick-or-treating. We decided to put a bowl of candy out so that we could head out with another family. Our immediate neighborhood isn't exactly filled with young kids so I figure it would be better if the kids could be out with someone they had fun with to enjoy the evening a bit more. We were only out for an hour or so. It did get a bit chilly and we got to see a pretty cool decorated house. We came back and also got to hand out candy to three groups of people. At which time I unloaded most of the rest of the candy. The kids did have fun unloading and organizing their stash, but since that time, they asked about having more candy the morning after and since then haven't said a peep. Trevor likes more types of candy than Gwen but because it is all out of sight, he doesn't really remember to ask about it and would prefer other snacks after school. I also have my favorite candy, but I don't even care about it enough to eat four or five pieces during the season.

Hopefully this weekend I can take down the Halloween decorations. 3 more weeks before we get out the Christmas decorations (the day after Trevor's birthday) and 7 more weeks until Christmas. Hopefully soon I'll start making my lists so I can search for good deals.

This past Tuesday was the kids first swimming lesson of the season. It was the first time Gwen was able to have her own swimming lesson. I never took her to parent/child swimming lessons, and I don't do them during the summer since we go swimming at the lake. When I started talking to her about lessons, she started to freak out a little bit. When I described them as games, she seemed a bit more willing to do them. I was also able to snag similar lesson times so that they both started at 4:00 and she got done at 4:30, and he got done at 4:40. I explained to Trevor's teacher that I couldn't come and get him because I was helping Gwen get ready. He seemed willing to help me get him into the locker room after his lesson.

When we got all ready for their lessons, I think I discovered that the part Gwen was more concerned about was that she thought I was going to leave her and go upstairs behind the glass to watch the lessons. Instead I sat on a ledge right next to the lessons so I could encourage her. She was a bit timid at first, but they had a belt and a noodle so she could try to swim on her own. There was one point where she swam all the way to the ladder and got out to walk over to the locker room. But then she got back in and kept going. I know she also got a kick out of going into the "warm pool" and found out she could touch. Hopefully, once she learns the routine, and understands what they actually do at her swimming lessons it will be easier for her. She did great for her first time. Trevor did his lesson and came back to the locker room when he was done. I'll have to talk to his teacher this week to see how he did.

I will admit that because I wanted the afternoon to go well, that I used McDonalds and watching Toy Story 3 as a bribe. It seemed to work, and I know based on past swimming lessons that Gwen was pretty tired afterwards. We'll have to wean them off of the bribes next week. Hopefully their swimming classes will continue to work out like this.