Saturday, April 30, 2011

School Carnival

Well last night was our second annual school carnival. Trevor was able to remember from last year, and so was I thankfully, and able to prepare for the night. Gwen was not excited to go, and I'm not sure what she was imagining the night to be. We used the term carnival because that is what the school calls it. However, I do know she calls things the carnival when it isn't. I think what she might have pictured was the mall of america.

At their carnival they have pizza, jamba juice, pop, water, popcorn and mini doughnuts....REAL mini doughnuts. It started at 5:30 so we were there at the beginning eating so we could get on to the games. The kids were pretty hungry so we had their pizza and bought them each a bag of mini doughnuts right away. They headed to the bouncy stuff first, and then went over to the hospital. Last year Trevor got a fake gash in his head, but this year he decided he didn't want to. They played a few games and then we went to the beauty salon. Trevor wanted to get his hair colored, and Gwen was quick to say she did too. Trevor got a green, white, and red striped head, and Gwen got pink hair with some purple and black lady-bug like spots. I would guess that was the highlight of the evening. Gwen won a game of Bingo, and bought an inflatable space shuttle. As my new position of treasurer starts next year I decided to try to shadow the current treasurer to make sure I knew what was going on when I would be solo.

With the change in months, I'm hoping for much better weather and health. With me, they sort of seem to go hand in hand. I've had three antibiotics this month, it's time to move on. I haven't been able to get out golfing on Tuesday evenings, and won't for the next two weeks due to scheduling conflicts. The first two were due to weather. Gwen only has one month left of preschool and Trevor only has 6 weeks. It's time for a change.....bring on May!

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