Sunday, October 9, 2011

A conversation worth recording

So today was the first day of Sunday School for Gwen.  That meant Trevor came to church and left for the Children's Liturgy during mass.  We were talking about going up for communion, and although we had already discussed it previously he asked to stay behind.  I had asked him to come up with me because they will do a blessing for those not old enough to receive the communion.  Facts are this:  once we hit January, we will start preparing for his First Communion.  I believe it is a once-a-week meeting for a few hours and then middle to end of May is when the event happens.  So although he has been asking for a few years now when he gets to receive communion, I have always said when he is 8.  That is how old he will be.  So today, he asked me why his friend, who is already 8 hasn't had First Communion.  I explained that unless he has gone through the preparation, he would not be allowed.  Trevor also tried to explain that he has tried the bread before (I think he either did it as part of his Sunday School or perhaps in Vacation Bible school.)  Without getting into too much detail I explained that there was a difference between the blessed bread at mass and the bread that he had tried.  I knew he wasn't exactly happy with my answer because I know he is trying to find out if there is any way he can have communion, but he moved on.  Next he asked me how old you have to be to have the wine at communion.  I explained that when you receive you first communion, it is the whole thing, you can have both the bread and the wine.  He was a bit surprised at that.  But the next comment made me use every ounce of patience not to break out in laughter:  "So, does that mean I get to have wine parties?"  Meaning: because he was old enough to drink the wine at church, that should mean that he should be old enough to drink wine everywhere....right?  Oh Trevor, I love your mind.  I think he did know the answer to that one but I think the fact that he will get to try it on his first communion satisfied him for the time being.

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