We'll see how far I can get into the past week or so of activities. It has flown by! Currently I'm trying to dig myself out of all the new toys and clothes that everyone got.
Christmas Eve was "started" with church at 3 o'clock. Bubba and Brian were able to come out and sit with us. And we got a homily primarily composed of Christmas jokes (What is the difference between a Christmas alphabet and a regular alphabet? The Christmas alphabet has no-L.) Gwen really got into the shaking of the bells. Trevor was as interested as ever in the nativity scene and had to go and see it when the service was over.
After church we headed up to visit with Grandpa and Grandma and family for a nice dinner and opening presents. Trevor was a bit confused as to how we would open presents if Santa hadn't come yet. I'm pretty sure he thinks that all presents at Christmas come from Santa even though I tried to convince him that people other than Santa can give you gifts. So I think he might have gotten it. Just before opening presents, Trevor and dad put on a performance of Twas the Night Before Christmas followed by How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Trevor read/recited the stories while dad acted them out. They both did an excellent job ;-)
Christmas morning was very nice. Trevor was only up 15 minutes earlier than Gwen. I had him come into our bed and lay down with us while he was waiting. It was pretty cute to see him know at the exact moment Gwen made a sound that we could go downstairs. The words he uttered after looking under the tree: "Mommy! I was a good boy! Santa CAME!!!" Oops...maybe I shouldn't have made him feel that guilty about not being a perfect kid.
Then Christmas afternoon/evening was spent at Bubba and Papa's house. I'm still not sure why, but Trevor didn't want my birthday to be that day. He said it would be fine if it was the next day, but not that one. I wonder if it was because he has been talking about getting older and dying and didn't want me to get a year older....or if he just wanted it on a different day...that part I'm not sure about. But he did like the frosting and ice cream after dinner.
Soooo....as I'm trying to organize all the toys and wash clothes and such, it is interesting to see how and what things are getting played with. Trevor enjoyed opening presents just like he did a few years ago. But unlike recently, he wanted things out of the box so he could play with them right away instead of opening the next gift. This year we had to convince him that not all the wrapped gifts were his. We did let him help open Gwen's things, and he has since been having a good time playing with those toys as well. She got an Elmo driving toy that Trevor loves to run around with. She got a Little People carnival playset that has turned into a ramp for his cars. She has been playing with her purses and putting things in and taking them out of the purses. Trevor got an electric Nascar track set, although before we left in the afternoon he was pushing the cars around the track instead of using the "guns". He has loved the diecast ships that were in his stocking and the x-wing fighter with the little figures.
It is easy to see that dad got a favorite gift as well....he got his G1 phone that he had asked for and has been playing on it plenty. I got motherhood rings, stackable rings for each baby with their birthstones on them. Best gift EVER! (Well minus the first Nintendo game console I got when I was like 11). So now we just have a few things that we can get with our gift cards, then there is the continual clean-up until everything is back in its boxes and put away...then bring on Disney!
Thank you to everyone for their great gifts for our family and the kids. We love the time we spend with all of you.
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