Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Making cookies

Yeah, you would think that would be simple. I can follow a recipe. Thank goodness for the allrecipies.com site where if I have an idea I can look up what I need. I even tested out a trial batch with the family a week or so ago.

I am baking cookies for the 3rd Annual Swappalooza put on with a group of mom friends. Granted I waited until the last minute for this. Someday I'll remember that it is BAD to procrastinate.

I am making a to-do list a lot. It updates, changes, things get crossed off, things get added, I just don't want to forget or get too far behind on things. And for the party (which is in two more days) I need to bake cookies, make a appetizer, and get a white elephant gift. At least one has been taken care of. But I thought tonight I could take care of the baking cookies part. I had went to the grocery store once already this week but with Trevor's preschool program, I didn't get a good shopping session in because I had to hurry back for his program. I also probably should have taken a good inventory of things I might need before I went back a second time to the grocery store.

So this evening started as I was going to the grocery store to get a few more things I needed for the party. Then I started to make the cookies. I had to double the recipe and put it into a larger bowl than I usually did. And MAN did I make a mess! Cocoa and flour on the floor, eggs, butter, and sugar on the counter, a random assortment of cookie batter on my shirt and pants....and it was HARD to stir the batter at the end. I should have built up my muscles or something.

I took a break to put the kids up to bed. Came back down to actually bake the cookies. Actually I'm in the middle of it right now. I almost ran out of white sugar (one of the things I didn't get onto my list) and am about to run out of Pam cooking spray. I know there are other ways to grease cookie sheets, but my goodness. Bad planning by me.

Then I needed to make some room for the cookies to cool and be taken off of the cookie sheets. So I put away all the ingredients. Including the extra brown sugar and flour I bought but didn't end up needing. Good job again Krissy. And as I was putting all the stuff up on the shelf and smooshing it rather than nicely organizing it, stuff began to fall off of the shelves. Ooo look....plastic bottle of sesame oil. No problem. Back on the shelf. Balsamic vinegar...glass bottle...ok. No problem. Didn't break....back on the shelf. SHOVE....Oops. There they go again....this time the top broke off of the balsamic vinegar and dripped onto the counter, onto the floor and somehow onto the back part of my jeans at the knee. SWEET.

So now, not only am I crossing off the "getting the cookies done" but I'm adding, "clean the kitchen, soak clothes, buy replacement vinegar, cooking spray, and sugar". The party is going to be just what I need......*SIGH*

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