Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Preschool performance time

Well, yesterday was Trevor's preschool Christmas program. We have been doing a lot lately, and he has been keeping busy. But with it comes the fact that he gets tired. It is obvious he still needs an afternoon nap, or at least some downtime in the afternoon. You would think that he could "catch up" during his overnight sleeping but I think he is so trained to use the afternoon as his naptime that when he doesn't get a chance, he just goes about in his usual sleep pattern. He was up on Monday at his usual 7am, but he had a rough morning of listening as it usual if he is tired or sick. Thankfully, so far he has not shown any signs of being sick.

So when we were at his performance, it was a great show, but he was not in his usual form. He basically mouthed the words, and did the motions, but not with his usual excitement. Even after we were at home, he continued his listening issues from the morning. Funny thing though, as soon as he was done with his hour plus nap, he came down with a different attitude. Man I wish I could get a good nap like that to improve my attitude!

I'm slowly but surely getting through my giant to-do list for this time of year. This week is the worst to come, but I also have to figure out what to do for the kids on Monday and Tuesday. There was a rumor that one of Trevor's friends wanted to have a playdate on one of the days, but not sure if that will happen or not. And BRRRR this weather isn't helping any. Fine...get cold enough to snow, but negative numbers in December??? We haven't even hit the technical start of winter yet! So that's what's going on with us!

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