Tuesday, February 24, 2009

They are both getting older

I knew we were entering another stage when Trevor mouthed off to me the other day. Of course I can't remember the exact phrase but it came out of nowhere. Something like, "If you don't listen to me, I'm going to SMACK you." He was mostly just doing dialogue to himself, so the phrase wasn't directed at me, but it was clear he knew what he was saying was something he shouldn't.

This came out of his mouth after preschool, so I'm guessing he heard it from someone in his class. But really, this isn't the first time he has picked up the best habits. And I know it's going to get exponentially worse at Kindergarten and beyond. Although I will say that his overall communication is getting much better too. I can rationalize and explain things to him so that he "gets it". It leads to a lot less frustration in the future.

Then Gwen is moving forward with everything that she is doing. She is now entering the "pushing and climbing" phase. She loves to push the stroller or grocery cart around most of the day. She likes how her babies can ride in them.

She's also really good at putting on shoes and boots INCLUDING her own. I often have to just leave her in whatever she's wearing on her feet if we have to go anywhere. It makes more sense than taking it off only to put something else on her feet. Especially if I don't ever let her down outside in the snow. I know she's not even going to be 2 before I have to let her get ready to go anywhere...putting on jackets, shoes, whatever.

Anyway, we are all reasonably healthy...so sleeping and naps are a lot less stressful. Trevor starts basketball this Saturday. We have to sign up for summer programs in a few weeks. In the mean time, we are doing a few things getting ready for a few wedding parties ;-)

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