Monday, October 26, 2009

The story of H1N1, Johnson style

I figure I'd update specifically about how some type of flu bug has invaded our house. I have no confirmation of what type of flu it is. Especially since in the last few hours was the first time Trevor came down with any sort of fever.

A week ago today (Monday), Gwen had her 2 year well-check. She had two vaccinations due to a shortage they had at her last appointment. She also got the seasonal flu mist, and the doctor warned me that she could not have the H1N1 mist due to it being an active virus, and they cannot get more than one every 28 days. I was never told when their system was going to have the H1N1 vaccine in, but I had heard it was going to be in the next few weeks.

On Thursday after Kindergarten, Trevor got a note saying that his class has been exposed by someone that had H1N1. They don't specify anything else in the note. It could have even been someone in the PM class, since he is in the AM group.

On Friday, Gwen started acting sick, and had a slight fever. Her mood wasn't anything different than usual, except for some slight irritability. I figured it might have to do with her seasonal flu shot.

On Saturday, we all went out to the Gopher Hockey game. Gwen didn't last very long, and again I attributed it to her cold/flu shot. She didn't have a fever any longer.

On Sunday we kept her home from the church nursery. Trevor went to his Sunday school, and in the afternoon he started acting lethargic. Gwen didn't nap all day, but still didn't have any fever. Trevor took a short nap and seemed to feel better.

Today, Trevor woke up with no problems. Didn't seem sick at all. But when I picked him up from school, he seemed run down. Still never had a fever, and I was always was checking. He occasionally would cough, but nothing that was too worry-some.

Oh, on Saturday night, I heard that our health care provider had H1N1 vaccines in stock, and that the kids fell into the group qualifying to get their vaccine. So I knew I would be calling on Monday to get their schedule. I found out that you call, and confirm that you need to schedule someone for the vaccine that is within the group, and they assign you a time. You do not get a choice.

So the kids have both of their vaccines scheduled. The first one on Nov 10th, the second on Dec 8th.

And then, after Trevor came down from his nap, he had a fever over 100 degrees. Which means he can't go to school tomorrow, and is probably H1N1. As I'm giving Trevor his tylenol to break his fever, Russ comes home and has the same symptoms as Trevor.

I'm now in conversations with Trevor's doctor about if we need to test for H1N1, or continue with the vaccine or what. I guess we'll see what happens. The school is saying the common amount of time to be out with H1N1 is 5-7 days, but he cannot come back to school until 24 hours of non-medicated lack of fever.

So that's the story as of now. I'll update more when I know more

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