Hello all,
I'm very sorry that I haven't felt up to blogging lately. I can't exactly say things have been hectic here, although I really wish they were. As that would mean baby would be here. But nope. 2 days left until the due date, and at this point I have given up all hope that it will be here by then, and even the fact that I will have a September baby. And BELIEVE ME we have tried every "natural" way of inducing as possible.....this baby just wants to stay put.
Dealing with the fact that I'm still pregnant has been a big source of anxiety for me. And I also mistakenly thought that I might be able to convince the midwives to induce me possibly this week. After talking with them, their policy is no earlier than 41 weeks, no later than 42 weeks. After hearing that, and having my little melt-down, I have become much more accepting of what I can and cannot change, and how that impacts my own health and well-being.
So here I sit, having gotten done just about everything I could have possibly wanted to do before the baby gets here which leaves me with the boring activities of doing simple up-keep on the house and such. I'm not in a huge amount of discomfort, sleeping ok...especially since I let all the stress go.....and trying not to expect anything so as not to be disappointed.
I cannot be thankful enough that T is in preschool. He seems to be loving it. If I can get him to talk to me directly after it ends, he gives me a pretty good account of what happens, and what he learns. He is REALLY into the religious aspect of school. Last week they toured the church, and he loved talking to me about all the places God was, including his actual preschool room.
Trevor is also getting much better at both his Leapster and playing the sports games on the Wii. The Leapster is great for getting him a little more practice with things like math and reading skills, and the Wii really gives that kid a work-out because he gets so excited when he plays baseball or golf.
His reading skills are really coming along too as evidenced when he plays the Wii. In golf, it will congratulate you by putting the words "birdie, par, Bogey, double Bogey" after you have finished the hole. I know we haven't mentioned those words to Trevor yet, but when he saw the words on the TV, he thought the words translated to: "party, park, birdie, big birdie"
Anyway....that's what has been going on with us lately. I do promise a big welcoming post when the baby is here, so don't worry that I will forget about it. It has just been a little disappointing on my own part, and I haven't felt as up to it as I usually do. Thanks for everyone's understanding!!!
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