Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Holidays past....

You know, I always think about how it was growing up...the things we did as a family, vacations, trips to see relatives, etc....and compare it to what we do. I think part (most actually) of the big difference is the fact that my grandparents, and even all my aunts and uncles AT LEAST required a 3 hour car-ride to visit. My grandpa lives and has always since I can remember in Florida. GREAT for when we take a spring break in the middle of a cold and snowy winter.

Labor Day weekend, until my parents bought the cabin, was spent at Piney Ridge Lodge. It was a cabin-like place off of a big lake, up even more north than we already lived. About 3 hours. Not quite in the direction of Duluth, but still a while to drive. Although the cabins that you can rent do have all the nice hotel amenities, like cable TV, we always had the same cabin. Two beds, two twin beds up on a loft, but no TV. It caused us to find our own activities, or other activities. It was right on a sometimes it would involve a boat, more often it would be tennis, racquetball, or golf. Late at night, we might even get a treat by having dad take us to the really tiny "bar" type place. They had a pool table, jukebox, a popcorn machine....hmmm...what else? I think it was just the opportunity to stay up late. Oh, and another thing, we ate dinner and breakfast at the lodge. Lunch we did on our own. If it ever rained, we usually broke out a new puzzle.

So those are some of the activities we did as a family on our Labor Days. A lot of the holidays really have me wonder how and what we should do to start our own traditions. Not to say we haven't already, but there are going to be times when we should do things as our own family. I know in the years to come, there will be plenty of activities that will be keeping us busy, and some time away from all of that will really be welcome.

But as for this Labor Day (and labor for this mom-in-waiting ;-), we had a very low-key but relatively nice weekend. Trevor was in one of his really good listening moments. Perhaps because we didn't rush him from place to place and activity to activity like we sometimes do. Or perhaps it was because he got a decent amount of sleep and was still able to run off a lot of energy. Whatever the reasoning, he was a great "listener" and that always makes it that much more enjoyable for the parents.

What will future holidays bring? Who knows. For now, we'll just have to enjoy what we have.

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