Monday, December 10, 2007

We meet Santa

I can't believe I made it. Trevor actually had a fever again yesterday and part of the night last night. But woke up without one. Dad still took Trevor to be looked at by the doctor this morning, but said that all he has is another cold, and we are continuing on the same antibiotics as last week. That way, hopefully the ear infection will stay away if this cold lingers.
Anyway, we headed out for an early sitting with Santa. Gwen was her usual peachy self in the car, and I brought my sling to carry her around in. She actually settled down to look at her surroundings, but DID NOT appreciate this big red clothed guy holding her for pictures. Soooo...we have our first "get out the pictures" for date nights at our house.
She was clearly tired at this point because about 5 minutes after we left the Santa portraits, she fell asleep and stayed asleep in my sling for a good 45 minutes. Trevor got to run around a little bit before heading home. And while Gwen did wake up as we were leaving, she did not freak out nearly as bad in the car. I think it was because she was pretty well rested and was interested a little bit in her toys.
So cross that off my to-do list. Now I have to get going on our Christmas cards. Only a few more Christmas gifts left to buy. Then I have to get on wrapping them. Only two more weeks!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Awww! Look at her - she does NOT like Santa! (Or maybe she just misses you!)