Another accomplishment in my world....we made it to Gwen's 6 month pictures, took a few with Trevor, waited around for the pictures, picked them out, played for a few minutes at the mall, did a drive thru at McD's, and came home. NO meltdowns, NO wild disobedience, NO even real fussiness. I'm so proud of my kids. Gwen is on the mend from being sick and it could have been a horrible experience.
We had to leave before she had taken a nap. So I thought that was going to be the end of it. She was trying to sleep when she decided to poop. Which keeps her awake. And then the diaper change itself makes sure she won't go back to sleep any time soon.
So then we get to the portrait studio. And I recognize the photographer as one we have had before (when Trevor was younger) that I DID NOT like. Great. But I figured if she was still around, she had to get a few good shots. Now get this - I started getting the kids ready for the car at 10am. Our appt was for 11am. The mall is less than 10 minutes from our house. And we got there, and I got Gwen dressed and we were ready at exactly 11:00. It takes me a full hour to get everyone in the car and ready for a 10 minute car ride.
But anyway, score one point for mom for allowing enough time. We took a few pictures, and Trevor turned into a photographer himself. At least he tried to help with Gwen to get her to look at the camera. Now, I didn't note what time we were done actually taking the pictures, but I would guess like 11:20 or so. At that time, there was still just the one person working. She had to help with the previous family in picking out their pictures to order. Then another woman came in to look at frames. So she answered a few of her questions. Then Trevor was getting antsy so she helped him with a movie he could watch to keep him entertained. And as the movie was just getting started, a mom with a 3 year old boy (or so...I'm just guessing) and a 6 week old boy came in to pick up pictures. Only they were in yet. So she calmly expressed her frustration on our photographer. There wasn't anything she could do about the pictures not being in, but she did say that she would fed ex the pictures as soon as they came in. Apparently they just changed management and lost at least one of their photographers. Perhaps for more mis-haps like this one? In the mean time, her 3 year old son started watching the Thomas movie that Trevor was watching. So the new family was ready to go, and of course the boy didn't want to go. So the mom was quietly asking him to get going. You could see that he was another person that loved Thomas. The mom turned to threats....he brought along a Gordon train. So the boy walked with the mom out into the store. Not more than 2 minutes later the boy walked away from his mom back to the TV. His mom found him again, and said something like, "I love you baby, but we need to get going now. I'm going to take away Gordon right now. GET OVER HERE." It really wasn't the worst situation I've seen by far. He wasn't screaming or throwing any sort of fit, he just didn't want to get going. But he finally did. Of course, not more than another 2 minutes later, you see him tearing across the store behind the racks of clothes where his mom is unable to see or come near him with a big stroller. His mom is now screaming at him to stop. And he keeps going. That was the last time I saw or heard of him.
In the mean time, Gwen has taken her bottle and fallen asleep. The lady looking at frames comments to me: "Wow do you make it look easy". Now I have no idea how many kids this woman has, but I was thinking to myself...I just got lucky today. Or maybe it is because Gwen just hit the age that she is pretty easily consoled even if she is cranky. But I do appreciate that I looked like super mom.
So I picked out the pictures I wanted, we walked to the reactrix play area for Trevor for a few minutes. Gwen had woken up as we were going down the elevator. We did a quick drive-thru at McD's, and got home.
Now that Gwen is feeling better, I'm hoping that her span of staying up for a few random hours in the middle of the night. I'm still not sure her ears are tip top because I remember how Trevor did when having ear infections. He would require a few nights of tylenol before his ears finally felt better. But she is having trouble in those first few minutes (or hours later at night) before she can settle down and sleep or stay awake until later.
Anyway...we are off to the cabin this weekend, so I can't really start anything new until we get back. Maybe she'll solve the issue herself soon. Or maybe it is another touchpoint thingy going on. We'll see!
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