I'm getting more of the house organized. I made a donation run with a car full of stuff that is now GONE from the house. It always feels good to do that. Yard work was done outside all day Saturday. There is prep work being done for the last big wall in the yard. I'm sure Russ is looking forward to having his garage back as well as the driveway.
Both kids still have a runny nose and cough from the cold. I hope Gwen can go to ECFE this Wednesday. Maybe she just needs another day or two. Trevor, I don't ever seem to have to worry.
Sunday, we took both kids in to church because I haven't signed Gwen up for the nursery yet and Trevor's Sunday School starts next Sunday with an open house after mass that day. We sat in the back so as not to disturb anyone, and in case we needed to make a quick exit. Both kids did really well. Although I hope I don't have to do that again. I think Gwen will like the nursery, and hopefully she won't even notice that mom and dad aren't there.
Trevor took an interest in the Eucharist this time. So I had to explain it and I'm sure since he hasn't heard it at his Lutheran preschool, it's going to be a topic of conversation for a while. He was asking about why and if he could or at least why he couldn't right now. I told him that when he is 8 years old he will. That always seems to satisfy him. Just give him a date as to when he will be able to do something, and then he can plan for it. Must be like me that way. So this morning, he was asking about it again, and then asked how old Gwen will be when he is 8.
My mom bought a Toy Story computer game that was installed on Trevor's computer, and he doesn't want to stop playing it. He was afraid of the newness of it all, but since he's learned how to play it, he has beaten it and gotten high scores on his favorite games. Of course it is hard to play if Gwen is in the area. She can't leave him alone with it.
Speaking of her, she has been gearing up to turn the big ONE. One of the big touchpoints is one year old. I'm guessing it is usually doubly bad because most kids are learning to master walking as well as going through growth spurt stuff. For some reason, the walking milestone wasn't too hard for Gwen. She's been walking pretty good for a few weeks now. She can even do it with shoes on, although she'd prefer not to.
No, she's turning one, and having to relearn how to put herself to sleep. Both for naps and nighttime. We have recently had a few visitors to help with the kids where they have had to put her to bed. And I know it is hard to listen to her cry, so if it is someone else, I let them do whatever they need to feel comfortable. Of course now she thinks if she cries enough, she will be picked up. She is also good about delaying naps. She can act wide awake if she is brought downstairs. However, after a few minutes, she is tired and cranky. According to my book, the next touchpoint is another 3 months, so this won't be too long.
In the mean time, I've been really enjoying having her - I believe it is called "receptive language" - really blossom! I can let her know what we have to do next, or what we can do next and she will walk over to where she needs to be. I'm kind of amazed by this because I wonder if she enjoys the understanding piece of it, rather than what is about to happen. I have battled with her a few times on changing her diaper. But if I tell her we need to change her diaper, and let her walk into the room, she is much more calm and understanding.
She LOVES LOVES LOVES to play "dollies" in the doll house. I think it has caused Trevor to back off of it because he now thinks it is a baby or a girl toy. Bummer. But I am happy it will probably get a lot of use.
So on to the party planning.....cake bought, presents bought, now I need to get everything for the party ready and cleaned for Friday. Only 5 more days of a 0 year old baby in my house!
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