I meant to make a post before heading off this weekend. But it just didn't get done.
So we had a little incident at the "jump jump" place on Thursday. Trevor is really getting into the "wrestling" or physical part of being a boy now. The past few times we were at the indoor park, he has played with the boys by pushing off of them to jump in the bouncy houses that they have there. So before we even went inside, I told him that he could not put his hands on another kid. That if he did we were done for the day.
I was playing with Gwen in the toddler area, and she is at the age now where she wants to just climb climb climb. So this park is perfect for her. The only downside is that now until about 3 years old, she needs me or someone else around to help her get up onto the ledges that she can't quite get up onto. We ventured into the large climbing area so she was entertained by the new sights and toys when I heard Trevor coming down and he was crying.
He had a big scratch across his face, and when I asked him about it, he said a girl scratched him. Right away, I knew it was not something that was unprovoked. He asked me to ask her to not scratch him anymore as she was walking back up to the slide area. I was then able to see that she was not hurt or crying.
We went down to the bottom to clean his scratch off and then we moved into the other room for a few minutes. When we got into the car, I asked him to explain what happened. Best as I can tell, he was racing to get by this girl when he was climbing or getting to the top of the slide. He pushed her to get out of the way, she got upset at him, and scratched him. He did say that he fought back, but I've seen him "fight" and that just is open handed slapping on their arms. But he didn't want to tell me because he knew he was going to have to go home.
I have also seen that Trevor's obsession with being first, but more importantly NOT being last has really driven him to a lot of extreme emotions lately. I was 2 minutes late for pick-up at preschool and Trevor was in tears until he saw I wasn't the last mom to pick their kid up. There were two other kids. He was just so afraid that he was going to be last. And there have been times were he has said that he was last to put on his jacket and get his school stuff because they excuse the kids by their nametags at the end of the day.
So I guess that's Trevor's thing now...he does not want to be last. I've been doing my best to explain that last does not mean worst, that Lightning McQueen finishes last on Cars....but I'm guessing it's just something that passes with time.
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