Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sick again

So Gwen started to get sick on Tuesday of last week. Trevor and I started to feel it on Thursday. It's on its way around the family now. Hopefully hopefully this is the last of it before the spring weather really breaks. Sinus headaches really suck. Gwen can't sleep very well during naps because she is kept awake with her coughing. But as long as she is in a deep sleep at night, it doesn't bother her much.

We had another shower this weekend, as well as date night on Friday. Not to mention basketball games on Saturday morning. So a pretty packed weekend. It is always nice to see (as I believe I mentioned last week) part of the wedding guests before the wedding. Especially having attended so many, and only been a part of my own where I knew close to half of the attending guests.

I was surprised that Gwen made it through the entire shower, although she fell asleep in the car immediately on the way to pick up Trevor, so she missed out on seeing "papa". And then Trevor feel asleep in the last 10 minutes of the car ride, so real naps were out. I feel like I'm in a haze. I know there were other things I wanted to write down, but my mind is mush. Thank goodness I know better than to take Nyquil. Hopefully another good night's rest is all I need to get past the worst of this. And hopefully we didn't infect the entire group at the shower. Off for now....

1 comment:

Erika said...

GERMS! Be GONE!! What is UP with this year??? I hope you guys are feeling better soon!