So Trevor was able to have a new experience this weekend. My mom took him to his first Children's Theater production of the book called, "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day". We've been reading the book for a few weeks in preparation for the play, and talking about going to see the "show". (Side note, I tried saying that he was going to see a play, but he took it to mean that he was going to play something. So we called it a show instead.)
He has always been a bit apprehensive about doing things that he has never seen or heard of. Plus this was going to be something that was done without either mom or dad.
The show was yesterday at 5pm. Only lasted about 70 minutes, no intermission. But when it came time to go, he was saying he didn't want to. Part of the issue was probably that we built it up so much that when the time finally was here, he was so unsure of if it was going to be a good or bad thing that was happening, he decided he didn't want to do it.
So....I waited for my mom to call saying that the show was done, and we would meet them for dinner. We went up and met them at TGIFridays.
There are two versions of the story, the adult perspective and Trevor's perspective. I'll start with the adult's. The show was advertised for ages 5+. For an almost 4 year old, he did very well. I had the feeling he wouldn't make it the full 70 minutes of the show, seeing as how he still doesn't usually make it through a whole movie without getting up and running around. Actually, what happened was more that the whole experience was a bit of a sensory overload for him. They had musical numbers as well as audience participation that included screaming. Having never experienced something quite like this, I'm sure he had enough and started to melt down. At that point there was only like 5 minutes left in the show, so they ducked out a little early.
Now, you may think that he didn't have a good time but talking to him you would NEVER get that idea. He doesn't go 5 minutes without talking about Alexander, pretending to be him, remembering a scene from the show, or asking about something that he has in the playbill. It is pretty cute. I'm glad he had a good experience, and the next time he goes, in December to see "A Year with Frog and Toad" he'll at least remember what to expect. It will probably go much smoother.
1 comment:
That is so cute! Caroline is a lot like that - you'll think maybe she didn't like something or didn't really have much interest but then after it's over, she goes on and on about it.
I think it's b/c it takes some kids so long to process things and for them to figure them out. Sounds like C and T are a lot alike! :)
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