Sorry, I'll update on the 3rd week of summer programs in a bit. First I wanted to talk about the family's first Twin's game! We bought tickets a week or so ago, and started talking to Trevor about it. It was obvious he was really curious what it was going to be like because he had never seen anything like it, other than what he could see on TV.
So I ran to Target that morning and bought the rest of the family Twin's shirts. Russ had already had a #33 Justin Morneau and they had a similar #7 Joe Mauer shirt that Trevor got to wear. Immediately came the questions: Why is he #7? What does he do? Is he a good player? Why does daddy have #33?
Trevor took a great nap that afternoon as did Gwen so we knew we were good for most of the game. We parked a pretty short distance from the dome and I started talking about looking for the building that looked like a giant marshmello. He was kind of confused by that. But started to get it a little more once he saw it. We picked up our tickets at will call and walked into the building. We moved very slow for Trevor so he could take it all in, and we could see if he started to get scared or nervous or anything. Plus you wouldn't want to loose a 4 year old in a sea of people.
We found our seats shortly before the game began. It was a 7:00 game and no one had had dinner yet so everyone was hungry. Trevor went out with dad to go get some dinner food. Came back and ate, during that time I fed Gwen her Cheerios and graham crackers. After dinner, grandpa came over and sat with us. Amy and her friend were also at the game so they said hi too. Then Trevor went back up to get more snacks and a new Jersey with his name on it. They came back to the seats with the popcorn and ice cream and ate again. Gwen started to get upset and it was about 8:30 so I figured she was getting tired. She ate a bottle quick. Then the other one at 9:00 and was much happier. The noise didn't bother her during the game until daddy got a little too excited and scared her. From that point on, the noise bothered her. And speaking of noise, Trevor did really well with it. Yes, if it got too loud, he would plug his ears, but he didn't have them over his ears the entire time. And there were even a few times where he screamed out "Go Twins". I think he kind of enjoyed the fact he was somewhere where we wouldn't tell him to be quiet. There aren't that many places so he used it to his advantage.
A little before 9:30 I figured she was getting tired but couldn't sleep with the noise so I took her by the concessions. But that didn't work either. She just wanted to be on the ground so she could move around. Well, the game was almost over at about 9:50 so we started to head towards the exits. Waited until the final out before leaving and heading to the car. Trevor actually made it the entire way home without falling asleep. Gwen was asleep as soon as we got on the highway. I changed her and put her to bed. And then she slept until 7 this morning.
The game itself was great. Even though Trevor missed a few moments, I was happy there was so much action. I think there were something like 6 home runs and it didn't all happen in one inning. So of course, who do you think had the game winning home run? Joe Mauer. Trevor was pretty excited by that. If you ask Trevor what position Joe Mauer plays, he is the "striker". I've tried to say he is the catcher, but that doesn't compute. I'm also pretty sure he thinks the "striker" is the one responsible for strikes. NOT the pitcher. The pitcher is the position that you play when you are out in the field. Ready to catch any balls the batter hits towards you. I bet that is due to his t-ball days. Way to go Dad on at least getting him to understand where the pitcher is located! And he also knew sort of where to look for the bases and such. We were a little past 1st base so it was a very good view.
Oh, and one final note. The Twins played the Milwaukee Brewers. I told Trevor that, but again, it didn't really compute to him, so now whenever he (the Twins) are playing against the "bad guys" they are playing the "Imperial Walkers" - which if you say this out loud, it KIND of sounds like Milwaukee Brewers. And then you have a good laugh. What a cute kid that one is.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The rest of last week
I was just feeling so run down. There was so much going on and not much time to do much else. Both kids were up at least 3 or 4 days before 6am which made for a very long day. And Trevor didn't nap on Thursday or Friday. I was surprised at how long that extra hour of time Trevor was at preschool last week. But pretty much every day Gwen and I had errands to run. So after she took her 15 minute nap, we'd go out and grocery shop, run to Target, or whatever.
Add to that that Gwen really decided to learn to perfect her new little tricks. She says or is trying to say a lot of new words. She can do half of "uh-oh", she can make the sounds for dada, nana (for mama), all done, and whenever we are trying to teach her a new word, her default sounds is dada. She can also push herself from her stomach to sitting, she does the army crawl when she decides she can't crawl on her hands and knees, which I saw her put at least 4 crawls together, so it's her choice if she doesn't do the hands and knees thing. And she also loves to pull or push herself up to standing. Now, I'm sure she's still a few months away from walking, (my guess is right around a year) but she would love to just push herself up to stand and stand there. She just needs my legs and she can do it. She stands up, looks all proud of herself with a big grin on her face, claps (another new trick) and then falls down to her butt. And because of her new clapping trick, she likes to be a cheerleader too. I have a feeling she'll be a great Bears cheerleader this year ;-)
So she has had a very busy week last week. It was finally nice weather, so I did take her out for a walk. I have figured out though that 3 streets of the "rectangle" that we go on for walks are not stimulating enough for her. The main street that sometimes is the first full street we walk down is the only one she is interested in. There are usually other people out walking around, and for sure we see cars. So I learned that if that is the last street, she starts to get frustrated but when I get to that street she is calmed down.
Now we are on to week 3. This is another long time for Trevor to be kept busy and while he has been waking up at 6am, I've been trying to get to bed early myself and work on the house during the time the kids are both up. Gwen can now play with toys for a few minutes so I have a short amount of time to get some things done.
Time to run!
Add to that that Gwen really decided to learn to perfect her new little tricks. She says or is trying to say a lot of new words. She can do half of "uh-oh", she can make the sounds for dada, nana (for mama), all done, and whenever we are trying to teach her a new word, her default sounds is dada. She can also push herself from her stomach to sitting, she does the army crawl when she decides she can't crawl on her hands and knees, which I saw her put at least 4 crawls together, so it's her choice if she doesn't do the hands and knees thing. And she also loves to pull or push herself up to standing. Now, I'm sure she's still a few months away from walking, (my guess is right around a year) but she would love to just push herself up to stand and stand there. She just needs my legs and she can do it. She stands up, looks all proud of herself with a big grin on her face, claps (another new trick) and then falls down to her butt. And because of her new clapping trick, she likes to be a cheerleader too. I have a feeling she'll be a great Bears cheerleader this year ;-)
So she has had a very busy week last week. It was finally nice weather, so I did take her out for a walk. I have figured out though that 3 streets of the "rectangle" that we go on for walks are not stimulating enough for her. The main street that sometimes is the first full street we walk down is the only one she is interested in. There are usually other people out walking around, and for sure we see cars. So I learned that if that is the last street, she starts to get frustrated but when I get to that street she is calmed down.
Now we are on to week 3. This is another long time for Trevor to be kept busy and while he has been waking up at 6am, I've been trying to get to bed early myself and work on the house during the time the kids are both up. Gwen can now play with toys for a few minutes so I have a short amount of time to get some things done.
Time to run!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Summer camp week 2
Last week was Vacation Bible School at the church where Trevor had preschool. There were a lot of his preschool classmates in the same class or at least the same group. Even his teacher was a helper for some of the activities. Trevor did a VBS last year at a different church that he did well, but I know he wasn't very happy with their overhead speaker system. They always had group songs at the beginning and end and when I saw him, he was always covering his ears. So when I left him on Monday, the same thing happened.
The theme this year was SonWorld Adventure Park. So everything they learned was framed in an amusement park feel. There were tickets to play games, you would win prizes, make art projects to take home and even their snacks were park themed. They had popcorn, corn dogs, and nachos that I can remember. Now while the art projects were nothing compared to the first week, he was more entertained by teaching me what he learned and playing like he did for preschool. I have to answer questions and he has to teach me so that I can learn what he did.
Thursday evening was family night. They had some amusement-type games and a bouncy house. Also, they had cotton candy, popcorn, and lemonade for snacks. Then they put on their show to sing the songs they learned during the week. As always, Trevor knew the words and actions very well. I had tried to have him listen to these songs before camp because they wanted the kids to get used to the songs, but he wasn't interested. I bet he'd love to listen to it now.
There was a little "incident" during the show. Of course Trevor and Elizabeth were their usual silly selves....picking on each other, tickling, standing in each other's way....and there wasn't anything I could do about it. The noise was so loud, he couldn't hear me if he wanted to. But suddenly, they both started walking through the older kids. So Jen and I lost them. I started to go around to the other side of the group, but I never saw them come out. Of course there were little rooms where they could hide if they wanted to. So as soon as the concert was done, we went looking for them. What happened was that they got out and in front of one of the adult helpers and then went back to their seats before we saw them.
Now that may not seem like a big deal, and in reality it wasn't. But these two kids....I tell you. When they get older, we are REALLY going to have to keep an eye on them. YIKES.
So this week is Gymnastics camp. I was telling Trevor about it, and he is still a little confused. This is the last place we are going where he will be unfamiliar with his surroundings. He was asking me if it was going to be loud like last week. I told him there would be no singing at this one. Just playing Gymnastics. But he also asked if I could come with him. I know this isn't because he is afraid of being without me, he just isn't sure what is going to happen. And sometimes parents stay to help out. But not with Gymnastics. I really don't think they want an inflexible, not usually exercising, 30-year old, two kids later mom helping them out.
Ok...I will have one more update to last week soon. Then it's on to this week activities. I'm SO behind with everything lately. It was a rough week last week.
The theme this year was SonWorld Adventure Park. So everything they learned was framed in an amusement park feel. There were tickets to play games, you would win prizes, make art projects to take home and even their snacks were park themed. They had popcorn, corn dogs, and nachos that I can remember. Now while the art projects were nothing compared to the first week, he was more entertained by teaching me what he learned and playing like he did for preschool. I have to answer questions and he has to teach me so that I can learn what he did.
Thursday evening was family night. They had some amusement-type games and a bouncy house. Also, they had cotton candy, popcorn, and lemonade for snacks. Then they put on their show to sing the songs they learned during the week. As always, Trevor knew the words and actions very well. I had tried to have him listen to these songs before camp because they wanted the kids to get used to the songs, but he wasn't interested. I bet he'd love to listen to it now.
There was a little "incident" during the show. Of course Trevor and Elizabeth were their usual silly selves....picking on each other, tickling, standing in each other's way....and there wasn't anything I could do about it. The noise was so loud, he couldn't hear me if he wanted to. But suddenly, they both started walking through the older kids. So Jen and I lost them. I started to go around to the other side of the group, but I never saw them come out. Of course there were little rooms where they could hide if they wanted to. So as soon as the concert was done, we went looking for them. What happened was that they got out and in front of one of the adult helpers and then went back to their seats before we saw them.
Now that may not seem like a big deal, and in reality it wasn't. But these two kids....I tell you. When they get older, we are REALLY going to have to keep an eye on them. YIKES.
So this week is Gymnastics camp. I was telling Trevor about it, and he is still a little confused. This is the last place we are going where he will be unfamiliar with his surroundings. He was asking me if it was going to be loud like last week. I told him there would be no singing at this one. Just playing Gymnastics. But he also asked if I could come with him. I know this isn't because he is afraid of being without me, he just isn't sure what is going to happen. And sometimes parents stay to help out. But not with Gymnastics. I really don't think they want an inflexible, not usually exercising, 30-year old, two kids later mom helping them out.
Ok...I will have one more update to last week soon. Then it's on to this week activities. I'm SO behind with everything lately. It was a rough week last week.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Star Wars - a new adventure
So I should start off where I really left off first, huh? We went to the science museum to check out the Star Wars exhibit at about 1pm. Our time was scheduled for 2pm so we had a little time to check out the other stuff before going into the star wars specific stuff. Trevor basically ran around and followed doing stuff that we were doing. The museum is more designed for mid to older elementary school children. But at least the stuff is a little hands-on. So even though he didn't know what he was doing, he put electrodes on his arm muscles and such.
We went into the star wars part of the museum just before 2. Trevor ran around looking for something he could ride. I think he was expecting the costumes to be alive or at least the space ships things he could at least sit on. He ran through everything pretty quick and did not want to get his picture taken. There were two areas where he could have "ridden" on stuff. One was a robot exhibit with a theater you learn about today's robots. I figured because it was a small theater, he wouldn't like it being it was too loud. Also it didn't seem like it was anything about the star wars was supposed to be about how robots help us in our day-to-day life. There was a single person "ride" that sounded like an air hockey table. You sat on it and I think it was supposed to simulate riding in a speeder like on Episode I. Again, showing how we use Star Wars stuff in today's world. I'm not sure if he didn't want to ride it because it didn't look like it was from the movie or if it was too loud.
They did have a little robot that looked like R2-D2 that you could write a little program to try to get it through the maze. He was slightly entertained by that. The Millenium Falcon "ride" was outside the star wars exhibit. It takes 4-5 people at a time for a ride of 5 minutes. We had to wait in line for over an hour. And I thought Trevor was going to get antsy and rather play around on the exhibits. But I guess he thought he would miss his turn because he did NOT want to leave the line. So anyway, we got into the cockpit and of course he freaked out. Didn't like how confined it was, or the noise level. We couldn't take pictures inside, so no kodak moment of that event. But we did get a pin. Oh, and this show was again all about today's information that we know about outer space. Although it was narrated by C3PO and R2D2. Really though, I enjoyed the exhibit. Seeing the props they used and such.
Trevor did get a red plastic light sword from the gift shop. So he thought the day was GREAT. I'm pretty sure that's what he's going to remember from the day. I'm sure we'll be back to the museum when he gets older. But for now, he's good at the children's museum. Right up his alley.
We went into the star wars part of the museum just before 2. Trevor ran around looking for something he could ride. I think he was expecting the costumes to be alive or at least the space ships things he could at least sit on. He ran through everything pretty quick and did not want to get his picture taken. There were two areas where he could have "ridden" on stuff. One was a robot exhibit with a theater you learn about today's robots. I figured because it was a small theater, he wouldn't like it being it was too loud. Also it didn't seem like it was anything about the star wars was supposed to be about how robots help us in our day-to-day life. There was a single person "ride" that sounded like an air hockey table. You sat on it and I think it was supposed to simulate riding in a speeder like on Episode I. Again, showing how we use Star Wars stuff in today's world. I'm not sure if he didn't want to ride it because it didn't look like it was from the movie or if it was too loud.
They did have a little robot that looked like R2-D2 that you could write a little program to try to get it through the maze. He was slightly entertained by that. The Millenium Falcon "ride" was outside the star wars exhibit. It takes 4-5 people at a time for a ride of 5 minutes. We had to wait in line for over an hour. And I thought Trevor was going to get antsy and rather play around on the exhibits. But I guess he thought he would miss his turn because he did NOT want to leave the line. So anyway, we got into the cockpit and of course he freaked out. Didn't like how confined it was, or the noise level. We couldn't take pictures inside, so no kodak moment of that event. But we did get a pin. Oh, and this show was again all about today's information that we know about outer space. Although it was narrated by C3PO and R2D2. Really though, I enjoyed the exhibit. Seeing the props they used and such.
Trevor did get a red plastic light sword from the gift shop. So he thought the day was GREAT. I'm pretty sure that's what he's going to remember from the day. I'm sure we'll be back to the museum when he gets older. But for now, he's good at the children's museum. Right up his alley.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Week number two in progress
Sorry about a lack of update. And especially since we went to the Star Wars Exhibit on Monday. I will try to post a bit more this weekend, if possible. Trevor has been at Vacation Bible School at his preschool church this past week. It is a good chunk of time, but Gwen's naps have now migrated to the beginning of that time since she is waking up before 6am this week. So I've just been barely able to keep my eyes open and get the small stuff done this week.
Next week is Gymnastics, again a good chunk of time, but hopefully Gwen will sleep in more next week. Heck if I can get really lucky, maybe Trevor will too! At least the weather has finally gotten warmer!
Next week is Gymnastics, again a good chunk of time, but hopefully Gwen will sleep in more next week. Heck if I can get really lucky, maybe Trevor will too! At least the weather has finally gotten warmer!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Well, we did it. Finally brought Trevor (and Gwen) out on our home Golf Course. After some dinner and a little practice for daddy and Trevor, it was a little after 7pm. We borrowed a gas cart and tried to clue Trevor into the rules and give him some direction on where he gets to hit from (the red tees) vs. where daddy hits from (the blue tees). The first hole is a par 5 so a little hard for Trevor to get because the flag stick is so far away. But he teed up his ball and took a good swing. I think he only used his pitching wedge for hits off of the green. I know he hit it like 40 yards one time.
Some of the challenges I see are: trying to get him to understand that being in the sand is not where you want to be. On the 3rd hole I had to convince him that if he wanted to be in the sand, to wait until he was near the green. So he RAN up to the green and started swinging in the sand to get out. It took him a while though, so maybe if he sees how hard it is, he won't want to be in it.
Second, he is still learning about how to grip the club. When he was practicing at home, he was asking me how to hold his club and a bat (at different times) so I think he is getting it. It's kind of like wearing shoes on the correct feet. He can do it either way, but once he gets comfortable with the correct way to do something, I'll bet it feels better and he'll really be able to whack stuff.
Not really a problem, but a constant question was if he was in the fairway or not. I guess that actually is good. That he gets to understand by playing where the fairways are and are not. We simply moved his ball if it wasn't in the fairway, so it was a bit easier for him to get out of.
I started putting Gwen on the greens of holes 2 and 3 and let her play with a golf ball. She was in heaven. Balls the size of golf balls seem to be her thing right now. They are a perfect size to hold in her hand and play around with.
But after 3 holes, she was getting tired and we decided to get going. I'm sure Trevor could have lasted a lot longer even if he wasn't playing every hole. So another day he'll be out there, I'm sure.
And on to today.......STAR WARS....More to come!
Some of the challenges I see are: trying to get him to understand that being in the sand is not where you want to be. On the 3rd hole I had to convince him that if he wanted to be in the sand, to wait until he was near the green. So he RAN up to the green and started swinging in the sand to get out. It took him a while though, so maybe if he sees how hard it is, he won't want to be in it.
Second, he is still learning about how to grip the club. When he was practicing at home, he was asking me how to hold his club and a bat (at different times) so I think he is getting it. It's kind of like wearing shoes on the correct feet. He can do it either way, but once he gets comfortable with the correct way to do something, I'll bet it feels better and he'll really be able to whack stuff.
Not really a problem, but a constant question was if he was in the fairway or not. I guess that actually is good. That he gets to understand by playing where the fairways are and are not. We simply moved his ball if it wasn't in the fairway, so it was a bit easier for him to get out of.
I started putting Gwen on the greens of holes 2 and 3 and let her play with a golf ball. She was in heaven. Balls the size of golf balls seem to be her thing right now. They are a perfect size to hold in her hand and play around with.
But after 3 holes, she was getting tired and we decided to get going. I'm sure Trevor could have lasted a lot longer even if he wasn't playing every hole. So another day he'll be out there, I'm sure.
And on to today.......STAR WARS....More to come!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Trevor's week in review

The next day he came out with this hat on, carrying a bag, saying "Surprise". It was a very cute party hat with little stickers of bugs on them.

In the bag was this very cute lady bug having a picnic. She is having a picnic with pie, blueberries, cheese, and a hamburger. I think.
Next is a cute worm habitat. Everything is glued down except the worms. For the past few days he has had the worms eat lunch with him. He gets a sandwich and the worms get goldfish. Who knew worms liked goldfish?

Friday, June 13, 2008
Did I mention he likes vehicles?
I never remember what I write and I don't go over what I write after it is posted. I'd rather just write what I'm thinking at the time. So I don't remember if I wrote about how much Trevor has been into vehicles. Yes, it has a lot to do with the movie Cars, but even before then, he had a favorite large plastic red almost suburban car. So there have been a few times when he has played with friends where he has been asked to play with figures and he kind of doesn't know how to act. Or he would rather do something else like run a race (aka a nascar race) or play on a bike or something.
So I thought maybe that with Star Wars, he would enjoy some figures from the movie. We have a few. Thankfully I didn't go too crazy looking for all the figures that might have fit into the Darth Vader helmet from way back when. But I was asking Trevor about when we go to the museum (next Monday) to look at the Star Wars exhibit, if he wanted to get any more figures. He has small ones and larger ones. At first he said he wanted a Jar Jar Binks. But he was confused by what I was asking. I clarified saying that maybe he would want a Princess Leia or a Obi-Wan. But as soon as I clarified that maybe the museum would sell a few things, it became first he wanted a new speeder. Because he had had one previously. He used the windshield of his X-Wing fighter. Ok...that made sense. He wanted a replacement. But then he wanted: a Naboo fighter jet, a Y-wing, a Tie fighter, and a shuttle. And then when I asked if that was all, he said he wanted a Taun Taun. Which yes, it is an animal, but it ACTS like a vehicle because it was what Luke and Han Solo used to get around on Hoth.
So much for not thinking so much about vehicles! Thank goodness we don't really have to look for a Millenium Falcon. I picked up a kit to make one at a garage sale for $2. Trevor uses the shell of half of it as his Millenium Falcon. SWEET. One less thing to look out for. But this Monday will be pretty fun! The exhibit is getting a lot of press!
So I thought maybe that with Star Wars, he would enjoy some figures from the movie. We have a few. Thankfully I didn't go too crazy looking for all the figures that might have fit into the Darth Vader helmet from way back when. But I was asking Trevor about when we go to the museum (next Monday) to look at the Star Wars exhibit, if he wanted to get any more figures. He has small ones and larger ones. At first he said he wanted a Jar Jar Binks. But he was confused by what I was asking. I clarified saying that maybe he would want a Princess Leia or a Obi-Wan. But as soon as I clarified that maybe the museum would sell a few things, it became first he wanted a new speeder. Because he had had one previously. He used the windshield of his X-Wing fighter. Ok...that made sense. He wanted a replacement. But then he wanted: a Naboo fighter jet, a Y-wing, a Tie fighter, and a shuttle. And then when I asked if that was all, he said he wanted a Taun Taun. Which yes, it is an animal, but it ACTS like a vehicle because it was what Luke and Han Solo used to get around on Hoth.
So much for not thinking so much about vehicles! Thank goodness we don't really have to look for a Millenium Falcon. I picked up a kit to make one at a garage sale for $2. Trevor uses the shell of half of it as his Millenium Falcon. SWEET. One less thing to look out for. But this Monday will be pretty fun! The exhibit is getting a lot of press!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
How does that work again?
So I've decided that I can't wish that Gwen will sleep in in the mornings. There have been a few days when she has woken up past 7am. But whenever that is, she is a total BEAR the whole rest of the day. Yesterday was one of those days, and she had not had a 5 minute nap until 3:30. Now I know she has been off 3 naps for a while now, but are you KIDDING me? I think I now have to get ANYTHING done that requires her not sleeping on me done after she goes to bed at night. At least Tuesday nights I feel a bit more energized because I will have been golfing.
But then if I wish she would wake up early, sometimes it is 5am in which case I'm I wreck because I need more sleep than that. But I think I'd rather have that than not able to handle her for the whole day. Or maybe it is just something that if I know to expect it, I'll handle it better. Today she cried out at 5:15 but then slept until a little after 6. So hopefully today will be good. We'll just have to see!
But then if I wish she would wake up early, sometimes it is 5am in which case I'm I wreck because I need more sleep than that. But I think I'd rather have that than not able to handle her for the whole day. Or maybe it is just something that if I know to expect it, I'll handle it better. Today she cried out at 5:15 but then slept until a little after 6. So hopefully today will be good. We'll just have to see!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Good guys vs. Bad guys
Trevor has watched a good part of 4 and a half Star Wars movies. He loves to play with his x-wing fighter as well as any of the characters he has found. Just about any time we are in the car, he asks questions about why Luke doesn't want to be a bad guy and why Darth Vader becomes a good guy. I had always thought that whenever he watched the movies, he would like them because of how he can "play" Star Wars.
So I was surprised his interested was locked when it came to the end of the movie The Princess Bride . I was watching it because it is one of my all-time favorite movies. So Trevor came upstairs and I had fully expected to have to change the channel or turn it off because it wouldn't keep his attention. But he started up with his "who's that?" and "What's he doing?" and "Is he a bad guy?" So when I explained the general story and pointed out the good guys and bad guys, he was VERY interested. He saw the big sword fight between Count Rugen and Inigo Montoya and wanted to "play" that afterwards. I'm trying to avoid all the violent stuff, but he seems to be unfazed by that and more questioning of the dying/death/heaven aspect of stuff.
So when we are done with the Star Wars stuff, I think we have another potential movie for him to see. I guess he is approaching the age where he doesn't have to be watching a cartoon-type movie in order to be entertained. I guess he did start liking Milo and Otis a few months ago. So maybe it has been coming for a while.
So I was surprised his interested was locked when it came to the end of the movie The Princess Bride . I was watching it because it is one of my all-time favorite movies. So Trevor came upstairs and I had fully expected to have to change the channel or turn it off because it wouldn't keep his attention. But he started up with his "who's that?" and "What's he doing?" and "Is he a bad guy?" So when I explained the general story and pointed out the good guys and bad guys, he was VERY interested. He saw the big sword fight between Count Rugen and Inigo Montoya and wanted to "play" that afterwards. I'm trying to avoid all the violent stuff, but he seems to be unfazed by that and more questioning of the dying/death/heaven aspect of stuff.
So when we are done with the Star Wars stuff, I think we have another potential movie for him to see. I guess he is approaching the age where he doesn't have to be watching a cartoon-type movie in order to be entertained. I guess he did start liking Milo and Otis a few months ago. So maybe it has been coming for a while.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Well, that feels better. Granted, Gwen decided she didn't want to nap today, and Trevor still has a good amount of his attitude. But give me a round of golf on a warm day, and some added sleep, and I feel SO much better. The family had a pretty low key weekend. Trevor starts his camps tomorrow and I can tell he has NO idea what is going on with it. I hope he enjoys the class. We'll see at noon tomorrow.
Friday, June 6, 2008
The week from nowhere I want to go again
OH My GOSH DARN IT ALL! I am SOOO ready for this week to be done. If this wasn't a CLEAR indication that Trevor NEEDS to be enrolled in weekly activities, you would need a sledgehammer to the head to be clued in. Even though I tried to at least get everyone out of the house each day, it just was SOOO tiring and NOTHING got done around the house this week. (Granted, that's not much of a change from a normal week).
It started a little bit last week, but because of the Memorial Weekend, and probably because he was worn out from the lake it seemed like he was ok. But we just had a TOUGH week. The weather was not good to even go on short walks. It never really got that warm unless it was raining or threatening to rain. Plus school isn't out yet so I'm kind of nervous to go up to the school playground yet.
But let me recap the activity for yesterday to give you an idea of how things have been going. I decided to go to the library to pick up some books for Trevor. He has really shown an interest in reading and trying to get some more interest in reading himself. I also thought it would be cool for him to get his own library card. We always play games where he uses our old credit cards and I figured having one of his own and even a little "responsibility" would be good. It worked out well. He signed his name on the card and seemed pretty proud. So we went over to look at books (after he thought he could find his way through the maze of books himself). He also noticed and asked questions about being quiet in the library. (for note later) So we found our way over to the children's books. Turned out that a girl from his preschool was also at the library with her mom and younger brother. So Trevor and Allie were coloring pictures while I gathered a few books to check out. Gwen was entertained by a few toys that I had out for her. Allie's younger brother was also entertained by Gwen. So we sat and played for a while. Then Allie started packing up and I took the lead. I started to walk Trevor out when Allie got upset over something her mom wanted her to do. Then all heck broke loose. Trevor wanted to see what was wrong with Allie and I tried my best to redirect him to check out his books. Then he decided that the books I got were not the ones he wanted so he tried to squirm his way back to the children's books area where he started to scream and get very loud. I warned him that if he did not stop screaming we were going to not get any books. Didn't phase him. He got louder and started crying and throwing a pretty big fit. At this, Allie stopped throwing her fit (glad to be of help!) but there was no letting up with Trevor. So I put the books I had down and had to drag Trevor out of the library. If it was possible, Trevor got even louder. So we had to leave the library without any books and had a very loud car ride home.
And that was the only time we got out of the house. That afternoon we had pretty severe storms (no tornado stuff) so his t-ball was cancelled. He has also been regularly napping for at least an hour and a half every afternoon. So it isn't sleep issues. I wonder if it is some kind of a touchpoint that Trevor is going through too. Although it might be some kind of issue he has with not having any schedule or any way to release his energy.
Then there is Gwen. I'm on my way to taking her to the doctor this afternoon just to be 100% sure she doesn't have an ear infection. I'm about 90% sure, but I know I would feel horrible if she did have one and I haven't been giving her the attention she needs to fix the ear infection. She's still on her antibiotics from the one she had a week ago, but she hasn't been sleeping well and now her appetite is down to very little. So I'm going to check to be sure. With everything she has going on in how close she is to doing a lot of new things, it's probably that instead.
**And then she woke up and we started it again. Just got back from the dr. No ear infection. Of course.
So her being up at 5am for 3 of the past 5 mornings has been rough, and she never took a nap for longer than 30 minutes in her crib. This is pretty normal, but with Trevor going a little crazy, it just makes things a bit more difficult.
But anyway, I survived and next week starts Trevor's activities. Hopefully we'll have a lot of fun stories to tell after the "camps". Although he thinks he is going camping tomorrow. Poor kid.
It started a little bit last week, but because of the Memorial Weekend, and probably because he was worn out from the lake it seemed like he was ok. But we just had a TOUGH week. The weather was not good to even go on short walks. It never really got that warm unless it was raining or threatening to rain. Plus school isn't out yet so I'm kind of nervous to go up to the school playground yet.
But let me recap the activity for yesterday to give you an idea of how things have been going. I decided to go to the library to pick up some books for Trevor. He has really shown an interest in reading and trying to get some more interest in reading himself. I also thought it would be cool for him to get his own library card. We always play games where he uses our old credit cards and I figured having one of his own and even a little "responsibility" would be good. It worked out well. He signed his name on the card and seemed pretty proud. So we went over to look at books (after he thought he could find his way through the maze of books himself). He also noticed and asked questions about being quiet in the library. (for note later) So we found our way over to the children's books. Turned out that a girl from his preschool was also at the library with her mom and younger brother. So Trevor and Allie were coloring pictures while I gathered a few books to check out. Gwen was entertained by a few toys that I had out for her. Allie's younger brother was also entertained by Gwen. So we sat and played for a while. Then Allie started packing up and I took the lead. I started to walk Trevor out when Allie got upset over something her mom wanted her to do. Then all heck broke loose. Trevor wanted to see what was wrong with Allie and I tried my best to redirect him to check out his books. Then he decided that the books I got were not the ones he wanted so he tried to squirm his way back to the children's books area where he started to scream and get very loud. I warned him that if he did not stop screaming we were going to not get any books. Didn't phase him. He got louder and started crying and throwing a pretty big fit. At this, Allie stopped throwing her fit (glad to be of help!) but there was no letting up with Trevor. So I put the books I had down and had to drag Trevor out of the library. If it was possible, Trevor got even louder. So we had to leave the library without any books and had a very loud car ride home.
And that was the only time we got out of the house. That afternoon we had pretty severe storms (no tornado stuff) so his t-ball was cancelled. He has also been regularly napping for at least an hour and a half every afternoon. So it isn't sleep issues. I wonder if it is some kind of a touchpoint that Trevor is going through too. Although it might be some kind of issue he has with not having any schedule or any way to release his energy.
Then there is Gwen. I'm on my way to taking her to the doctor this afternoon just to be 100% sure she doesn't have an ear infection. I'm about 90% sure, but I know I would feel horrible if she did have one and I haven't been giving her the attention she needs to fix the ear infection. She's still on her antibiotics from the one she had a week ago, but she hasn't been sleeping well and now her appetite is down to very little. So I'm going to check to be sure. With everything she has going on in how close she is to doing a lot of new things, it's probably that instead.
**And then she woke up and we started it again. Just got back from the dr. No ear infection. Of course.
So her being up at 5am for 3 of the past 5 mornings has been rough, and she never took a nap for longer than 30 minutes in her crib. This is pretty normal, but with Trevor going a little crazy, it just makes things a bit more difficult.
But anyway, I survived and next week starts Trevor's activities. Hopefully we'll have a lot of fun stories to tell after the "camps". Although he thinks he is going camping tomorrow. Poor kid.

My favorite picture lately because it looks like it could be a paparazzi picture. I took a few more pictures of her standing in the boat. I was amazed that her ponytail is now turning into a ponytail rather than a whale spout.
I'm also posting pictures of the wall project. The first is the before and the second is after. (Like you couldn't have figured that out.)

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wow is she getting big
So if I were more on top of things, I'd include a picture here. The same day as our wedding anniversary, was also Gwen's 8 month "birthday". This week has been a lot of development for her. She has been saying "dada" and had said "baba" in the past, but I now have a name: "nana". Sometimes I feel like leaving the room for a few seconds just to hear her call for me. It is pretty cute. She is also trying to sign and understand it is how she can communicate. She is testing her "more" and her "all-done". She knows that when she is full from eating she needs to do one of the two, but sometimes she gets confused. But when she is doing something like playing with a toy and wants me to pick her up, "all-done" will work for that as well.
Something that I've learned from her is that she gets really uncomfortable by excited cheers. I had thought that being excited for her would encourage her, but ever since we started with cereal and she ate some of it, I would try to clap, get excited and praise her for doing a good job. That's when she would freak out and cry and try to get away from whatever was going on. But gentle praising works.
And last but not least, she is really coming along with trying to get around. She already pulls herself up to standing on her little tykes boat toy and tries to pull herself up on other toys that don't hold her weight, but can't get very far with things like the couch or other tables that are over her head. So sometimes she needs a little help with that. Crawling is also coming along as she is starting the army scootch. She can push herself up to her knees and rock but she doesn't get very far. So she stretches and tries to crawl on her stomach. And last...she is also working on sitting back up once she is on her stomach. She's pretty close on that too. She'd much rather play sitting up than on her back or stomach. Not many more weeks and I'm going to have to put the gates back up on the stairs.
ETA: I forgot about the "no" thing too. Every time she hears NO...even if it is "oh no" she shakes her head. She even gets the benefit of hearing me tell Trevor "no" and then shakes her head. Makes me laugh and become much less threatening to Trevor. I wonder if she'll be helping me discipline him in the months to come. And I'm sure Trevor will LOVE that.
FINALLY the weather might just be starting to warm up. I still have the down comforter on our bed. Maybe that will come off this week!
Something that I've learned from her is that she gets really uncomfortable by excited cheers. I had thought that being excited for her would encourage her, but ever since we started with cereal and she ate some of it, I would try to clap, get excited and praise her for doing a good job. That's when she would freak out and cry and try to get away from whatever was going on. But gentle praising works.
And last but not least, she is really coming along with trying to get around. She already pulls herself up to standing on her little tykes boat toy and tries to pull herself up on other toys that don't hold her weight, but can't get very far with things like the couch or other tables that are over her head. So sometimes she needs a little help with that. Crawling is also coming along as she is starting the army scootch. She can push herself up to her knees and rock but she doesn't get very far. So she stretches and tries to crawl on her stomach. And last...she is also working on sitting back up once she is on her stomach. She's pretty close on that too. She'd much rather play sitting up than on her back or stomach. Not many more weeks and I'm going to have to put the gates back up on the stairs.
ETA: I forgot about the "no" thing too. Every time she hears NO...even if it is "oh no" she shakes her head. She even gets the benefit of hearing me tell Trevor "no" and then shakes her head. Makes me laugh and become much less threatening to Trevor. I wonder if she'll be helping me discipline him in the months to come. And I'm sure Trevor will LOVE that.
FINALLY the weather might just be starting to warm up. I still have the down comforter on our bed. Maybe that will come off this week!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
8 Years ago....
I was a married woman. It's been 8 mean....just kidding hubby. It's been 8 wonderful years of marriage. Just the other day I was saying it was going to be 8 years and someone said that was a long time. I guess in today's world it might be. I will say though that it has been wonderful to share those 8 years with someone I truly am in love with and respect as a friend of mine. We've been through a lot of adventures. I really enjoy the fact that after having kids we can start another part of our lives together where we get to watch our kids grow up and see where their lives take them.
Ok..well this isn't going to be very long because Ms. Gwendolyn has decided she wants my attention this morning.
Ok..well this isn't going to be very long because Ms. Gwendolyn has decided she wants my attention this morning.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Good morning
Yep...up before 5am today. Happy as a clam...or at least happy as normal. Now I think I'm going to need a shot of caffeine today. This is going to be a very L-O-N-G week.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
One down, three to go
Yikes. I'm guessing it's going to take most of the summer to complete the "wall" project. I have to say that it looks great. Everyone did a wonderful job putting the first of 4 retaining walls replacing the old, rotten, yucky looking wood ones. I think Russ allocated two weekends where he thought it might be possible to replace all four of the walls. I suppose if we had a group of 20 people, all with the appropriate equipment came to work at 7am and didn't quit until 9pm. And were maybe the age of 18 or so.
Thankfully they had great weather when they were working. I would have loved to "supervise" the job...gotten some sun as a perk. But such is life with an almost 8 month old. If I was supposed to be supervising, I did so from the window inside the house. Gwen is in her short-nap stretch here. Although she was sleeping until 6:30. And now that I jinxed that....hopefully she'll nap a bit more some day this week.
Russ actually took out the old wall in short time on Friday. I think he too thought it would be a quick job. This wall was had the least amount of rotted lumber of all the walls. However, in order to put the rock in, you had to dig and get at the area around where the rock would go. Yikes. Plus make it level. But that one wall is now done, and on to the other three. When? Who knows. I hope he can get back into the garage soon because right now the materials are sitting on our driveway blocking his spot into the garage. And that is only half of what he thought he would need.
Trevor had a great time with all the added company and the chance to be outside in some beautiful weather. He is in his lots of sleep cycle so he is getting more sleep in total than Gwen is. I'm pretty sure I can officially say that she is not like Trevor in that she needs a lot of sleep like he did. She will always be a good night sleeper, but naps just are not her thing. I know Trevor was still taking three naps during the day until he was just over a year. She hasn't had three naps consistently for at least a month, maybe two.
We've made our Star Wars reservations for the 16th of June at 2pm. It's on the calendar, and I think Trevor is really looking forward to it, without really knowing what to expect. I'm sure he'll be talking about it for a long time.
Thankfully they had great weather when they were working. I would have loved to "supervise" the job...gotten some sun as a perk. But such is life with an almost 8 month old. If I was supposed to be supervising, I did so from the window inside the house. Gwen is in her short-nap stretch here. Although she was sleeping until 6:30. And now that I jinxed that....hopefully she'll nap a bit more some day this week.
Russ actually took out the old wall in short time on Friday. I think he too thought it would be a quick job. This wall was had the least amount of rotted lumber of all the walls. However, in order to put the rock in, you had to dig and get at the area around where the rock would go. Yikes. Plus make it level. But that one wall is now done, and on to the other three. When? Who knows. I hope he can get back into the garage soon because right now the materials are sitting on our driveway blocking his spot into the garage. And that is only half of what he thought he would need.
Trevor had a great time with all the added company and the chance to be outside in some beautiful weather. He is in his lots of sleep cycle so he is getting more sleep in total than Gwen is. I'm pretty sure I can officially say that she is not like Trevor in that she needs a lot of sleep like he did. She will always be a good night sleeper, but naps just are not her thing. I know Trevor was still taking three naps during the day until he was just over a year. She hasn't had three naps consistently for at least a month, maybe two.
We've made our Star Wars reservations for the 16th of June at 2pm. It's on the calendar, and I think Trevor is really looking forward to it, without really knowing what to expect. I'm sure he'll be talking about it for a long time.
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