I'm saying this from a "throw your hands up in the air" way of thinking it. Early this morning, we had a thunderstorm pass through. By early, I guess I should clarify. It was 6am I think. So not as early as it could have been. First Gwen started stirring. Then the thunder was really loud. I thought she might be up for good, but she quieted down and I didn't hear anything. Then Trevor started yelling for me. So rather than risk waking Gwen up I went into his room.
He told me he was afraid of the "thunderstorm warning".
Now, I don't have any vivid memories of being afraid of anything in particular about thunderstorms. I'm sure I was afraid of them. I also remember a few times having to be in our basement because of storms.
Trevor has a lot of things he pulls together for his "thunderstorm warning" statement. He hears our monthly siren that is 4 blocks from our house that sounds every first Wednesday of the month at 1pm. He likes USA maps and looking at all the states, and finding Minnesota, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and a few more of his favorites. Before PBS Kids comes on at 5pm, the channel is a weather station, most of the time showing cloud cover on both Minnesota and the entire lower 48 states. But there was a time recently where we had a bad storm passing through where I put that channel on to watch the storm pass over and see how bad it was going to be. Finally, if there is ever a storm warning, they usually blink a part of the state where the county that has the warning is.
So put all this knowledge together and instead of being afraid of the thunderstorm, he is afraid of the thunderstorm warning. I know it really is just the loud noise of the thunder that bothers him. And we really do need the rain. So that's what I say. No it is not a thunderstorm warning. It is just rain, lightning, and thunder. We need the rain for the grass and for water for the animals. He quieted down and although I'm pretty sure he didn't sleep, he did rest for good half hour or so.
And of course as he goes to bed tonight, there is a storm happening. I think it has passed over us already, but he was all pumped up for it when he was going to bed. I wonder if we'll have someone else in our bed soon....
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