So yeah. Whenever I go out and see kids with their families out and about I can generally pick out most of the kids and how they sit peacefully or play by their parents side. NOT going to happen to me. I thought maybe it was the fact of having a boy and how they can generally be more high energy than girls. But nope. Gwen has been on the go from the beginning. She crashes at night, and now will finally take one reliable nap during the day, but otherwise she wants to run everywhere.
Case in point, we were at the YMCA for Trevor's swimming lessons on Thursday. There is a mom there with her daughter who is just over a year old and she will not leave her mom's feet. Her mom said she isn't much of a walker, but when I brought Gwen before she was able to walk, she still was crawling everywhere not even interested to stay by me.
This will make for interesting trips in and around the airport. And even through Disney. We'll be taking her out and putting her into her stroller but I'm sure she would much rather be running around without any care of where she is supposed to go.
A few weeks ago when I picked her up from the church nursery, she was pretty upset that I had left her once again. So I think I only took her name tag off and put it away and was coming back to get her stuff and she bolted. She wasn't looking for me, she just wanted to run. She made it all the way down past 4 classrooms and ran into a mom friend of mine before I caught up with her. She just wanted to run. She was laughing and happy as a clam, not at all concerned that I wasn't around.
As I mentioned previously, her vocabulary has really come along recently. I do have to listen carefully and see where she is looking to figure out what she is talking about sometimes. The other day we were getting breakfast ready, and she pointed to the food and said "SHOES". I looked and thought that she maybe meant "juice" because they would sound the same and we do have juice with breakfast. But nope, I looked at what I was doing, and she was actually saying "cheerios". So I am going to have to be careful and pay attention to what is going on. It's interesting to me because she has words for almost everything, but if you ASK her to tell you what something is, she won't do it. At least most of the time.
She also recognizes numbers and some letters and can count to 5 and some numbers out of order beyond that. I do attribute that though to having Trevor get into trouble plenty when she is around. She knows I count to three before Trevor gets a time out, so a few times she has been right there with me counting at him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't appreciate that, but what can you do?
Ok....back to packing!
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