Really not much. We have run a few normal errands this past week but otherwise we haven't done anything different than playing with the new toys. All of our decorations are put away and the house looks good for just last week having a big celebration with toys and such.
From all the toys and things the kids got there have been a few surprises. Trevor likes his EZ Bake, although I think I need to allow him to do a little more. It does say that it is for ages 8 and up (or was that 11...oops) so it might not be the best gift for him right now. He does love his diecast ships and yesterday he got out his old X-wing and told me to be the tie-fighter.... I got Trevor a set of glow-in-the dark planets that hang from his ceiling that he surprisingly enjoys. He was a bit confused the first morning he woke up where they weren't glowing anymore. But now he explains to everyone who sees it, that they need to charge up from the lights before they will glow.
Gwen has surprised me in that before the new year, she really liked my cat calendar. Trevor had a Cars calendar. But now, Trevor has a Star Wars calendar and I again have a cat calendar. She could stand in front of Trevor's calendar all day. Granted it is on Luke Skywalker for this month, so she will walk over, say "Luke" and ask to have it turned to "Bacca" who is on April. Goodness....we are going to have to get a calendar for her next year or something.
Trevor already has the calendar full of family birthdays and some activities as well...weddings....trips to visits and shots for both him and Gwen....
In the mean time, I'm giving our trip in a month the last final touches....I made another dining reservation and I might make a few more. I had forgotten about our $200 gift card we will be given when we arrive. We just received our luggage tags and hotel reservation information in the mail the last few days. It makes it that much more real.
I have to share a funny Trevor thought that happened the other day. His underwear was getting a little threadbare so I decided to have him get a few more packs during one of our trips to Target. He got Star Wars and glow-in-the-dark Cars. So we washed them the other day and he tried out the glow in the dark Cars and really enjoyed them. After deciding that he was going to start wearing them he said me: "Mom, tomorrow I'm just going to wear underwear, no pants." It was obvious he wanted to be able to show off his new underwear. And what other new piece of clothing can you not show anyone? And...the glow-in-the-dark ones? How are you going to be able to enjoy them if they are under your clothes the entire time?
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