Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big plans for the adults!

We didn't have plans for the weekend other than on Friday. Occasionally, the moms and dads of Trevor's friends get together for different gatherings. Most of the time (as was the case this Friday) it is for some kind of card game. Seeing as how we have a nice open space for people to gather, and it isn't exactly nice enough to play outside we decided to host the card night at our house.

It was fun for Trevor because he was able to go over and stay at Bubba's house. As was the case recently, he didn't quite sleep through the night but he did sleep a little better than last time. We did keep Gwen with us as while we are not expecting her to sleep well at Disney, at least at first, I don't think it is fair for them to have to deal with two kids that don't sleep well at night.

Have you ever heard of the difference between an introvert and an extrovert? I don't remember who told me this, but it has always stuck in my mind as true for me. An introvert gets tired out by parties, and an extrovert gets energized by them. So while I enjoy the planning part of the party, it gets me so stressed out to even think about having to put it all together and hope that everyone enjoys themselves.

But we made it. Gwen was able to stay up and play with us for a little bit. I was curious to see how she would act with everyone. And at first she wasn't sure what was going on, but she eventually just pretended like she was the only one in the room.

The party itself was great timing as the week had been horribly cold and I think it was nice to have an excuse to get together. It is also always fun to be able to play and talk with everyone. And seeing as how Trevor wasn't there to steal the spotlight, we really could talk. After that night, I was exhausted for the rest of the weekend, but it was so worth it! Thanks to everyone for a great time!

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