It was busy, as so was every other weekend (and most of the days) in March. But nothing extraordinary happened. We had basketball on Saturday, dinner at "grandma's" on Saturday night. The last Sunday School for Trevor, then dinner at "Bubba's" on Sunday night.
I think we all have a case of cabin fever and waiting for it to be so nice we can just head outside for however long we feel like it without having to worry about how cold it is. I finally convinced Trevor to ride his bike with training wheels. Up until this point he had been riding a trike or a big wheel of some kind. But the need for speed is what drives that kid so I used it to my advantage. I told him that when he learns to ride the bike, he will be able to go much faster than he was currently going.
I was happy that he didn't have any problems getting it going, but I knew that hills were going to be tricky. But he made it all the way around without falling. And I think he did get a taste of how fast he could go comfortably. Rather than smooshed onto a bike that was too small for him.
Gwen has also enjoyed getting outside any chance she can. She always asks whenever we are in the car. She doesn't want to go inside directly from riding in the stroller. She would much rather run up and down the sidewalks.
The other thing I've noticed is that her vocabulary is pretty much complete. There really isn't anything she can't say. Although proving it is another matter. She has to want to say whatever you ask her to. I'm convinced that she can say anything due to the fact that when we were outside, I was talking to her about going back to "Trevor and Gwennie's" house and she repeated that back to me. We have always asked her about her name, but she had never really responded other than to say "baby". We've noticed she can say her version of Trevor's name for a while now, and I think that her name is some kind of "guh-guh" saying. Her other names that she loves to tell you about are all from Trevor's Star Wars calendar. She's not always in the mood to tell you who they all are, but I've noticed almost every single name from that calendar. I think her favorite one to say is Mace Windu.
These next two weeks, Trevor only has school on Monday (today). But we already have a few things planned. Hopefully things will go well. I wish we were going to have nicer weather so we could enjoy more of it outside!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Girls night out
So Trevor went out for a boys night with "grandpa" and I was left with just Gwen for the evening. I have a few things left on the to-do list that doesn't mesh with out schedule. A lot of stuff opens at 10am but I'd rather just head there right after I drop Trevor off at preschool at 9am.
So we headed to Southdale Mall for dinner and needing to get a few items to complete Gwen's dress for the wedding. I could tell Gwen was happy to get out of the house. We did the stroller thing and ate at the food court. I'm really surprised at how the food court has almost gone to nothing. But we found pizza and a sandwich for me. Then we started to walk over to the store I needed to go to and saw that they had an Easter Bunny that was having pictures taken. We were actually a level above him but I pointed him out to Gwen. She thought he was a bear, but I was just hoping she wouldn't be afraid of him.
After we got out things at the store, we went down to run around a little bit. I let her out of the stroller, and we were very lucky because there was no one around the bunny. I guess Wednesday evenings, a few weeks before Easter is not a busy time. The people working the photography place were very kind. She loved to go right up to him, give him five and then run on around. At least she wasn't crying and keeping her distance. She wanted to try to climb the escalator, but I made sure to keep that off limits. After about 4 rounds or so, she finally asked the bunny to pick her up by reaching up to him. So he picked her up and then she examined him. I had to point out that she could have her picture taken now to the photographers.
They were even able to get her to smile a few shots....and in the end the night was worth it for the great shot:
So we headed to Southdale Mall for dinner and needing to get a few items to complete Gwen's dress for the wedding. I could tell Gwen was happy to get out of the house. We did the stroller thing and ate at the food court. I'm really surprised at how the food court has almost gone to nothing. But we found pizza and a sandwich for me. Then we started to walk over to the store I needed to go to and saw that they had an Easter Bunny that was having pictures taken. We were actually a level above him but I pointed him out to Gwen. She thought he was a bear, but I was just hoping she wouldn't be afraid of him.
After we got out things at the store, we went down to run around a little bit. I let her out of the stroller, and we were very lucky because there was no one around the bunny. I guess Wednesday evenings, a few weeks before Easter is not a busy time. The people working the photography place were very kind. She loved to go right up to him, give him five and then run on around. At least she wasn't crying and keeping her distance. She wanted to try to climb the escalator, but I made sure to keep that off limits. After about 4 rounds or so, she finally asked the bunny to pick her up by reaching up to him. So he picked her up and then she examined him. I had to point out that she could have her picture taken now to the photographers.
They were even able to get her to smile a few shots....and in the end the night was worth it for the great shot:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Still feeling....ewwww
Not really feeling all that great, but I found out that if I take some kind of headache medicine, I do feel better at night. It is getting better, but I think I actually got the worst of it this time around.
So I've been trying to remember all the things that have been going on here. I guess they mostly have to do with Gwen. Ever since we have been trying to get out to go for walks in the morning, she thinks that we should do it any time she is in the garage....coming back from somewhere in the car. Even on Monday, after we got back from the grocery store and it was raining (thankfully not pouring) she ran down the driveway to start walking down the sidewalk. No worries, I had her hand while going down the driveway but she was such a determined kid. I am a little sad that she isn't in the same place as Trevor where if I give him visual boundaries, he will stay within them. I was hoping to be able to do some fun car/toy wash activities this summer, but I'm guessing it'll be spent keeping an eye on the little girl.
She has now been climbing on everything and around it all. She loves running across the couch when someone lets her up onto it. But she can also climb onto our recliner by herself. So I have to watch to make sure she doesn't tip herself off of it. If she isn't buckled into a shopping cart, she is standing on the seat within a matter of minutes. So she's really climbing now.
On the Trevor front, we had a little incident with him at preschool on Monday. I went in to pick him up and the teacher told me that, "I just wanted to let you know, that Trevor punched X in the nose today, however, X had been spitting on Trevor. We talked about it and how that was not appropriate, but wanted to let you know that it happened."
Trevor has been getting into fights with Gwen and we have talked about how hitting is not allowed, so when I talked to him about it, we talked about how what X did must have made him upset, or angry. And how if that was how he was feeling there were other things that he could do to make him feel better. He needed to tell the person that was making him angry that he was angry. He could stomp his feet on the floor. But he could never ever hit someone. Of course I then learned that he thought that it was ok to punch someone because that was what Batman did on the Lego Batman game we had for the Wii. So that game is gone for a long time.
Thankfully he has already been using the "I'm mad" phrase a few times since I talked to him. I don't necessarily think it would have resulted in hitting someone when he used it, but I'll take it as a sign he is getting that it is ok to be angry, just not ok to hit someone. Ahhh, the joys of being a parent. At least it keeps things interesting....
So I've been trying to remember all the things that have been going on here. I guess they mostly have to do with Gwen. Ever since we have been trying to get out to go for walks in the morning, she thinks that we should do it any time she is in the garage....coming back from somewhere in the car. Even on Monday, after we got back from the grocery store and it was raining (thankfully not pouring) she ran down the driveway to start walking down the sidewalk. No worries, I had her hand while going down the driveway but she was such a determined kid. I am a little sad that she isn't in the same place as Trevor where if I give him visual boundaries, he will stay within them. I was hoping to be able to do some fun car/toy wash activities this summer, but I'm guessing it'll be spent keeping an eye on the little girl.
She has now been climbing on everything and around it all. She loves running across the couch when someone lets her up onto it. But she can also climb onto our recliner by herself. So I have to watch to make sure she doesn't tip herself off of it. If she isn't buckled into a shopping cart, she is standing on the seat within a matter of minutes. So she's really climbing now.
On the Trevor front, we had a little incident with him at preschool on Monday. I went in to pick him up and the teacher told me that, "I just wanted to let you know, that Trevor punched X in the nose today, however, X had been spitting on Trevor. We talked about it and how that was not appropriate, but wanted to let you know that it happened."
Trevor has been getting into fights with Gwen and we have talked about how hitting is not allowed, so when I talked to him about it, we talked about how what X did must have made him upset, or angry. And how if that was how he was feeling there were other things that he could do to make him feel better. He needed to tell the person that was making him angry that he was angry. He could stomp his feet on the floor. But he could never ever hit someone. Of course I then learned that he thought that it was ok to punch someone because that was what Batman did on the Lego Batman game we had for the Wii. So that game is gone for a long time.
Thankfully he has already been using the "I'm mad" phrase a few times since I talked to him. I don't necessarily think it would have resulted in hitting someone when he used it, but I'll take it as a sign he is getting that it is ok to be angry, just not ok to hit someone. Ahhh, the joys of being a parent. At least it keeps things interesting....
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sick again
So Gwen started to get sick on Tuesday of last week. Trevor and I started to feel it on Thursday. It's on its way around the family now. Hopefully hopefully this is the last of it before the spring weather really breaks. Sinus headaches really suck. Gwen can't sleep very well during naps because she is kept awake with her coughing. But as long as she is in a deep sleep at night, it doesn't bother her much.
We had another shower this weekend, as well as date night on Friday. Not to mention basketball games on Saturday morning. So a pretty packed weekend. It is always nice to see (as I believe I mentioned last week) part of the wedding guests before the wedding. Especially having attended so many, and only been a part of my own where I knew close to half of the attending guests.
I was surprised that Gwen made it through the entire shower, although she fell asleep in the car immediately on the way to pick up Trevor, so she missed out on seeing "papa". And then Trevor feel asleep in the last 10 minutes of the car ride, so real naps were out. I feel like I'm in a haze. I know there were other things I wanted to write down, but my mind is mush. Thank goodness I know better than to take Nyquil. Hopefully another good night's rest is all I need to get past the worst of this. And hopefully we didn't infect the entire group at the shower. Off for now....
We had another shower this weekend, as well as date night on Friday. Not to mention basketball games on Saturday morning. So a pretty packed weekend. It is always nice to see (as I believe I mentioned last week) part of the wedding guests before the wedding. Especially having attended so many, and only been a part of my own where I knew close to half of the attending guests.
I was surprised that Gwen made it through the entire shower, although she fell asleep in the car immediately on the way to pick up Trevor, so she missed out on seeing "papa". And then Trevor feel asleep in the last 10 minutes of the car ride, so real naps were out. I feel like I'm in a haze. I know there were other things I wanted to write down, but my mind is mush. Thank goodness I know better than to take Nyquil. Hopefully another good night's rest is all I need to get past the worst of this. And hopefully we didn't infect the entire group at the shower. Off for now....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I do love reunions
You know, I hadn't ever really thought about it, but showers are a lot like reunions. Especially when you can't see some family members on a regular basis. I was able to take part in organizing a wedding shower for the upcoming wedding of my brother to my future sister-in-law. We asked all of our girl (or women...oops) cousins, aunts, and grandmas to come if they could attend and for the most part they did! While a lot of these same people we will be seeing at the wedding in a few months, I know how crazy things get and how little you get to visit with all of the guests. So this was a chance to spend a little more time with this select group of people to see how they have been doing.
Although Trevor couldn't attend the shower (since it was just a girl party) he was still able to play with Ellie, and he met my cousins' daughters Ally and Maddy who are almost 9 and almost 8. Now he does enjoy playing with the younger kids, but he always finds the older kids to try to let them play with him. So he attached himself whenever they were around. I can tell that going to Kindergarten next year is really going to give him some perspective on how old he really is. I don't know if he ever asked the girls how old they were, or maybe he sensed the fact that they were older than he was by their height, but he quickly learned that they would not do whatever he asked them to do...granted that didn't stop him from trying.
I think he was happy that they even let him hang out with them. I saw them let him play darts and Foosball with them and he was happy as a clam. We were able to rent out the old store and museum of Hatfield and they turned it into a nice 5 bedroom house that the guests were able to use for the shower and places to sleep. I was a little worried about the space being ok for Gwen because there were two sets of stairs, but for the most part, she stayed away from the big stairs and learned how to go up and down the smaller steps very well.
This place not only had board games, pool, Foosball, and darts, but it also had a big screen TV, a satellite dish and a few cupboards full of movies. So everyone was entertained for a good portion of the day and night. We stayed until later at night to play a game of Trival Pursuit...just like old times. I still am not good at that game. If I ever learned anything in school, I never retained it. Oh well. I think everyone had a good time and hopefully the future family member wasn't too scared off by our crazy antics!
Although Trevor couldn't attend the shower (since it was just a girl party) he was still able to play with Ellie, and he met my cousins' daughters Ally and Maddy who are almost 9 and almost 8. Now he does enjoy playing with the younger kids, but he always finds the older kids to try to let them play with him. So he attached himself whenever they were around. I can tell that going to Kindergarten next year is really going to give him some perspective on how old he really is. I don't know if he ever asked the girls how old they were, or maybe he sensed the fact that they were older than he was by their height, but he quickly learned that they would not do whatever he asked them to do...granted that didn't stop him from trying.
I think he was happy that they even let him hang out with them. I saw them let him play darts and Foosball with them and he was happy as a clam. We were able to rent out the old store and museum of Hatfield and they turned it into a nice 5 bedroom house that the guests were able to use for the shower and places to sleep. I was a little worried about the space being ok for Gwen because there were two sets of stairs, but for the most part, she stayed away from the big stairs and learned how to go up and down the smaller steps very well.
This place not only had board games, pool, Foosball, and darts, but it also had a big screen TV, a satellite dish and a few cupboards full of movies. So everyone was entertained for a good portion of the day and night. We stayed until later at night to play a game of Trival Pursuit...just like old times. I still am not good at that game. If I ever learned anything in school, I never retained it. Oh well. I think everyone had a good time and hopefully the future family member wasn't too scared off by our crazy antics!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I'm a little behind
I meant to make a post before heading off this weekend. But it just didn't get done.
So we had a little incident at the "jump jump" place on Thursday. Trevor is really getting into the "wrestling" or physical part of being a boy now. The past few times we were at the indoor park, he has played with the boys by pushing off of them to jump in the bouncy houses that they have there. So before we even went inside, I told him that he could not put his hands on another kid. That if he did we were done for the day.
I was playing with Gwen in the toddler area, and she is at the age now where she wants to just climb climb climb. So this park is perfect for her. The only downside is that now until about 3 years old, she needs me or someone else around to help her get up onto the ledges that she can't quite get up onto. We ventured into the large climbing area so she was entertained by the new sights and toys when I heard Trevor coming down and he was crying.
He had a big scratch across his face, and when I asked him about it, he said a girl scratched him. Right away, I knew it was not something that was unprovoked. He asked me to ask her to not scratch him anymore as she was walking back up to the slide area. I was then able to see that she was not hurt or crying.
We went down to the bottom to clean his scratch off and then we moved into the other room for a few minutes. When we got into the car, I asked him to explain what happened. Best as I can tell, he was racing to get by this girl when he was climbing or getting to the top of the slide. He pushed her to get out of the way, she got upset at him, and scratched him. He did say that he fought back, but I've seen him "fight" and that just is open handed slapping on their arms. But he didn't want to tell me because he knew he was going to have to go home.
I have also seen that Trevor's obsession with being first, but more importantly NOT being last has really driven him to a lot of extreme emotions lately. I was 2 minutes late for pick-up at preschool and Trevor was in tears until he saw I wasn't the last mom to pick their kid up. There were two other kids. He was just so afraid that he was going to be last. And there have been times were he has said that he was last to put on his jacket and get his school stuff because they excuse the kids by their nametags at the end of the day.
So I guess that's Trevor's thing now...he does not want to be last. I've been doing my best to explain that last does not mean worst, that Lightning McQueen finishes last on Cars....but I'm guessing it's just something that passes with time.
So we had a little incident at the "jump jump" place on Thursday. Trevor is really getting into the "wrestling" or physical part of being a boy now. The past few times we were at the indoor park, he has played with the boys by pushing off of them to jump in the bouncy houses that they have there. So before we even went inside, I told him that he could not put his hands on another kid. That if he did we were done for the day.
I was playing with Gwen in the toddler area, and she is at the age now where she wants to just climb climb climb. So this park is perfect for her. The only downside is that now until about 3 years old, she needs me or someone else around to help her get up onto the ledges that she can't quite get up onto. We ventured into the large climbing area so she was entertained by the new sights and toys when I heard Trevor coming down and he was crying.
He had a big scratch across his face, and when I asked him about it, he said a girl scratched him. Right away, I knew it was not something that was unprovoked. He asked me to ask her to not scratch him anymore as she was walking back up to the slide area. I was then able to see that she was not hurt or crying.
We went down to the bottom to clean his scratch off and then we moved into the other room for a few minutes. When we got into the car, I asked him to explain what happened. Best as I can tell, he was racing to get by this girl when he was climbing or getting to the top of the slide. He pushed her to get out of the way, she got upset at him, and scratched him. He did say that he fought back, but I've seen him "fight" and that just is open handed slapping on their arms. But he didn't want to tell me because he knew he was going to have to go home.
I have also seen that Trevor's obsession with being first, but more importantly NOT being last has really driven him to a lot of extreme emotions lately. I was 2 minutes late for pick-up at preschool and Trevor was in tears until he saw I wasn't the last mom to pick their kid up. There were two other kids. He was just so afraid that he was going to be last. And there have been times were he has said that he was last to put on his jacket and get his school stuff because they excuse the kids by their nametags at the end of the day.
So I guess that's Trevor's thing now...he does not want to be last. I've been doing my best to explain that last does not mean worst, that Lightning McQueen finishes last on Cars....but I'm guessing it's just something that passes with time.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Very strange weekend
I guess I could tell it was going to be different from the fact that I was a single parent for the weekend. Add to it the time change. And on top of that, we had Trevor's basketball practice/game and then Trevor sang at his preschool's church on Saturday night. Then on Sunday, I was able to attend a bridal shower.
Then on Friday I got an email from one of my mom friends that said she was free for the weekend, and would anyone be able to go to dinner and/or a movie on Saturday night. Since my mom was already coming over to watch Gwen during Trevor's singing, I thought she might be ok with watching the kids for the rest of the night.
I had not seen a movie in the theater since 2006. I think I hadn't been able to attend a bridal shower since 2006 either. (I have been invited to a few since then, but not able to attend). So I got more up to date on both of those things.
Then the time change happened on Saturday night and Sunday morning, everything was just off. The kids had been waking up at 6:00 or 6:30 for almost the whole week prior, so I thought the time change would just correct the time that they got up. Well, Trevor didn't wake up until 8:15, and I had to wake Gwen up at 8:45 to get ready to go to church. While I went to the bridal shower, the kids were being watched by Grandma, Kyrsten, Derek, Jason, and Tracy. Gwen's sleeping was so off she didn't want to take a nap all day. It didn't surprise me. But at 6:30 when we had dinner, she fell asleep after eating, and could have slept through the night. But we woke her up to give her a bath and change her into her PJs. And again this morning, I had to wake her up. Hopefully we can get a nap out of her today so we can slowly adjust to a decent schedule.
Part of her schedule being out of whack could e the fact that she really has been secretly learning her letters and numbers. We were out to dinner at TGI Friday's on Friday and I was shocked that she could identify the letters S, W, O, L, A by me asking which letters they were. I knew she could identify letters like O and M, but I'm pretty sure she knows all of them. THANK YOU word whammer. And yes, she can count to 10, backwards and forwards. I think she learned to count it backwards first because Trevor loves to count down trying to get Gwen to stop doing something. And she always loved hearing the countdown chant.
So we really had a crazy weekend. This weekend, we go to the cabin. Trevor is really looking forward to it, as it's been on his calendar since we got it for Christmas.
Then on Friday I got an email from one of my mom friends that said she was free for the weekend, and would anyone be able to go to dinner and/or a movie on Saturday night. Since my mom was already coming over to watch Gwen during Trevor's singing, I thought she might be ok with watching the kids for the rest of the night.
I had not seen a movie in the theater since 2006. I think I hadn't been able to attend a bridal shower since 2006 either. (I have been invited to a few since then, but not able to attend). So I got more up to date on both of those things.
Then the time change happened on Saturday night and Sunday morning, everything was just off. The kids had been waking up at 6:00 or 6:30 for almost the whole week prior, so I thought the time change would just correct the time that they got up. Well, Trevor didn't wake up until 8:15, and I had to wake Gwen up at 8:45 to get ready to go to church. While I went to the bridal shower, the kids were being watched by Grandma, Kyrsten, Derek, Jason, and Tracy. Gwen's sleeping was so off she didn't want to take a nap all day. It didn't surprise me. But at 6:30 when we had dinner, she fell asleep after eating, and could have slept through the night. But we woke her up to give her a bath and change her into her PJs. And again this morning, I had to wake her up. Hopefully we can get a nap out of her today so we can slowly adjust to a decent schedule.
Part of her schedule being out of whack could e the fact that she really has been secretly learning her letters and numbers. We were out to dinner at TGI Friday's on Friday and I was shocked that she could identify the letters S, W, O, L, A by me asking which letters they were. I knew she could identify letters like O and M, but I'm pretty sure she knows all of them. THANK YOU word whammer. And yes, she can count to 10, backwards and forwards. I think she learned to count it backwards first because Trevor loves to count down trying to get Gwen to stop doing something. And she always loved hearing the countdown chant.
So we really had a crazy weekend. This weekend, we go to the cabin. Trevor is really looking forward to it, as it's been on his calendar since we got it for Christmas.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
March Madness
Seriously, I think it applies to my life this year. There are so many things going on this month, I'm sure it is going to make the month fly by. February went by pretty quick, but with all this snow on the ground, spring can't come fast enough.
We have wedding stuff to get ready for, summer programs to register for, just started basketball, last month for Sunday School, started gymnastics this month, and yesterday we had Kindergarten screening for Trevor.
This would be the time that I really should make a real to-do list because there are so many things I need to get done, but never really able to remember everything that I need to do.
But I wanted to briefly talk about Trevor's screening yesterday. If Gwen hadn't been with me, I would have been able to hear everything that was being said. As it was, I was able to hear some of it at the beginning. I heard him start counting, and he got to over 30 before she said that he could stop. I know from what she said afterwards, that he had to print his name. I heard him continue patterns like square, circle, square, circle, what comes next.... The teacher came out with him, and the first thing she asked was how long he had been reading. I got the impression that she was surprised. Although I'm sure he is not the first kid that has known how to read going into Kindergarten. She gave us a DVD with the songs that he will be learning that also teaches some reading skills. She said except for the songs, it was pretty pointless for him. That maybe it would be fun for Gwen. She also mentioned how impressed she was with his confidence level.
I had to fill out a questionnaire while he was being screened. I don't remember all of the questions, but one of them asked if my child was a leader or follower. Um....leader off the charts, I would say. If there was an option for tour guide, I would have checked that.
Russ's grandparents stopped by this week to say hi, and Trevor immediately went into his tour guide mode. There never is anything I can do about it. Thankfully it isn't hurtful or harmful to anyone because I don't know how I could get him to stop.
So at this point, I think we are all set for Kindergarten to start! 6 months from now, we'll be ready!
We have wedding stuff to get ready for, summer programs to register for, just started basketball, last month for Sunday School, started gymnastics this month, and yesterday we had Kindergarten screening for Trevor.
This would be the time that I really should make a real to-do list because there are so many things I need to get done, but never really able to remember everything that I need to do.
But I wanted to briefly talk about Trevor's screening yesterday. If Gwen hadn't been with me, I would have been able to hear everything that was being said. As it was, I was able to hear some of it at the beginning. I heard him start counting, and he got to over 30 before she said that he could stop. I know from what she said afterwards, that he had to print his name. I heard him continue patterns like square, circle, square, circle, what comes next.... The teacher came out with him, and the first thing she asked was how long he had been reading. I got the impression that she was surprised. Although I'm sure he is not the first kid that has known how to read going into Kindergarten. She gave us a DVD with the songs that he will be learning that also teaches some reading skills. She said except for the songs, it was pretty pointless for him. That maybe it would be fun for Gwen. She also mentioned how impressed she was with his confidence level.
I had to fill out a questionnaire while he was being screened. I don't remember all of the questions, but one of them asked if my child was a leader or follower. Um....leader off the charts, I would say. If there was an option for tour guide, I would have checked that.
Russ's grandparents stopped by this week to say hi, and Trevor immediately went into his tour guide mode. There never is anything I can do about it. Thankfully it isn't hurtful or harmful to anyone because I don't know how I could get him to stop.
So at this point, I think we are all set for Kindergarten to start! 6 months from now, we'll be ready!
Monday, March 2, 2009
What a difference a year makes
Yes, I was hoping he'd get it more this year, but I wasn't sure how much better he'd be. We had Trevor's first basketball practice/game on Saturday. There was a bit of a learning curve trying to place how he did it all last year. He actually has two coaches, a mom and a helper. Granted, he could be a dad of one of the kids, or he could just be a YMCA instructor learning the different sports.
Anyway, it was interesting to see Trevor try and dribble the ball, pass it, try to catch it, and then take his shots. Now they have youth sized basketballs, so we aren't talking the regular sized balls. But it isn't the small toy-sized ones either.
He's still in need of practice with dribbling, that's for sure. I wonder if that will come along in the next few weeks. He also still has a fear of getting hit hard with the ball when it is coming towards him, like in a pass. He puts up a big flinched look when the ball is coming towards him. But I think slowly he is stopping that. He was able to catch quite a few, and then let a few more go past him.
But the big thing is that now he can score a basket ;-) The coach really helped him with his form, and he knows how to line up his hands, jump, and push the ball into the basket. He doesn't get it close every time, but the times that it hits the rim or goes in, really gives him confidence. The first time it happened, he was looking around to make sure I was cheering for him. It was so cute.
And now it's a fun story he gets to talk about. I think he would prefer to keep score so that he knows who wins and loses but then that might cause some arguments or hurt feelings. So we'll just work on a few more things and have lots of fun the next few weeks. It's a nice change of pace from swimming lessons.
Anyway, it was interesting to see Trevor try and dribble the ball, pass it, try to catch it, and then take his shots. Now they have youth sized basketballs, so we aren't talking the regular sized balls. But it isn't the small toy-sized ones either.
He's still in need of practice with dribbling, that's for sure. I wonder if that will come along in the next few weeks. He also still has a fear of getting hit hard with the ball when it is coming towards him, like in a pass. He puts up a big flinched look when the ball is coming towards him. But I think slowly he is stopping that. He was able to catch quite a few, and then let a few more go past him.
But the big thing is that now he can score a basket ;-) The coach really helped him with his form, and he knows how to line up his hands, jump, and push the ball into the basket. He doesn't get it close every time, but the times that it hits the rim or goes in, really gives him confidence. The first time it happened, he was looking around to make sure I was cheering for him. It was so cute.
And now it's a fun story he gets to talk about. I think he would prefer to keep score so that he knows who wins and loses but then that might cause some arguments or hurt feelings. So we'll just work on a few more things and have lots of fun the next few weeks. It's a nice change of pace from swimming lessons.
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