Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some school stuff

Last Thursday was Trevor's preschool conference. It was fairly low key. They are very organized at his preschool. We were able to see his work for his "memory" book and could see the progress he has been making since the beginning of the school year. His teacher shared with us an example of his excellent leadership skills. He was "teaching" the kids about the seasons and stood next to the calendar and asked the class - "Ok...we are in spring. Can anyone tell me which season comes next? James? No, I'm sorry....that's the season after summer. Anyone else know the next season? Oh Doug....yes. That's right. It's summer. Now...which season comes next? is when you want to answer summer." And according to his teacher, he had exact "teacher" inflection. Boy does this kid love to be the center of attention.

The one thing we are going to focus on, is his feeling of HATING being last. So much so he freaks out whenever it happens. They have been really working on it at preschool, in that they are making him be last as much as possible until he realizes that not freaking out gets him the chance to not be last the next time. I can understand that part of it is his development, since I have been warned that this is the time where he is going to think he is the BEST at everything until he gets into Elementary school and realizes that he isn't the biggest.

But really, it was a good chat. It was a perfect fit for him and his needing to develop socially. They were pretty strict, but he SO needed that because it seems he can talk his way out of a lot of situations.

Anyway, we also got his Kindergarten Assessment results. Things are looking good there as well. Soon, we should find out if he is assigned in AM or PM Kindergarten. So things are really moving along!

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