Thursday, April 2, 2009 there's a little difference between 1st and 2nd born

Just a quick story for you. I have been trying to get Gwen to try new foods for dinnertime. And I've realized that if I give her a spoon, and put the food into a bowl, she enjoys it much more. She loves to do it herself and it does make the meal last a while longer. Sometimes a good while longer, but really I don't mind. I'm a slow eater and since we don't have to run anywhere after dinner, it's a great way to let her practice.

So last night I cut up half of a homemade waffle that we were having for dinner. I drizzled a little bit of blueberry syrup so it wasn't as dry, cut it up and put it into a bowl. I gave her both her standard spoon and a plastic fork to try. She was very excited about the new utensil.

In the mean time, I gave Trevor his waffles with strawberry syrup and then was able to eat my own dinner at the same time. It was at that time, that I realized that I have an 18 month old daughter that prefers to eat with utensils, while my almost 5 and a half year old still doesn't.

It's pretty obvious that I wasn't under the kind of "pressure" (I use the term loosely because it's not really pressure) of having to prepare two kids meals for lunch and breakfast when I only had Trevor in the beginning. Plus the fact that Gwen never liked baby food given to her on a spoon. She preferred finger foods from the beginning. But now, she'd much prefer to move to that next level of utensils if she can. So she has Cheerios in milk for breakfast and if I ever do yogurt, she has to be the one to feed herself.

Anyway, sitting at dinner last night, I could only shake my head. Maybe Trevor can learn something from Gwen after all ;-)

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