Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

I treated myself to a pedicure on Saturday since the salon wasn't open on Sundays. Then on Sunday I got to sleep in, we went to Target, and I ate at my favorite place for dinner. It was a very nice day for me.

Unfortunately, the kids are in the middle of battling little colds. I say little because they do not even compare to what they usually get during the winter months. However, getting colds do contribute to a change in attitude. I know that Gwen doesn't sleep as well, and gets tired during the day.

But Trevor, in addition to a little cold is really getting into his pre-K development. I'm thinking the little cold adds to it...or at least that is what I'm hoping. The biggest change that I see is that he simply does not care about discipline tactics. Or even rewards for good behavior. I am very aware that this is something that I cannot control. No matter how much I want to. It is his choice in what he decides to obey and not. But WOW is it frustrating at this point. Because you know he knows better, and you would think that based on what kind of a person he is, he would choose the "good" path. And then I realize that he is 5 years old, not 18 and that he's still testing his limits, and learning what it's like to be a kid.

So in the mean time, we're still being as consistent as we can to show him that we aren't going to waver on his not-so-nice behaviors. And, as Trevor goes to Kindergarten, it'll be Gwen's turn to go through a major development. Such is life with a few kids.

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