Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The goings on

Well, as usually happens with me, I post a gripe about something, and then it seems to turn around. According to my dad, Trevor did really well listening to him at the Gophers Basketball game. While we have an issue here or there, Trevor's attitude (at least to me) has greatly improved. We keep talking about all the ways he can be a great listener or helper and concentrate on that.

Also, we have finally put Trevor's mattress up on it's bed frame. Gwen just saw it today and wasn't very happy that she couldn't climb onto his bed by herself. And I think I heard Trevor fall (or jump) off of his bed during naptime, but overall I think it has emphasized that he's getting to be a bigger kid. He still wears a pull-up at nighttime, and has been asking about it recently. From what I know, it is not at all uncommon for his age, and his doctor says that there are things we can do if he asks it, but it is not something that should be worried about until he says so.

I have finished my last week of class, and this next week is our final exams that we have the entire week to complete. Then a week off before the next session starts. My accounting class was a nice review from over ten years ago. My law class was very interesting, I thought. I learned a lot and unless I flunk the final, I think I got a good grade.

Gwen has come down with a cold, so she is a bit out of sorts this week. Except for the fact that she feels a little weird, I think it would be a great time to get rid of her nuks. She can't breathe when she has them in because of her cold, and she does not need them to get to sleep. But I think I'd rather her teeth come in first. For sure I'd like to do it before she gets into a new bed. Unfortunately, I've heard bad things about both taking the nuks away, and moving into a big bed. A lot of people have said that one of the above leads their kid to get rid of their nap. Oh well. I guess we'll see. Maybe a New Year's Resolution for Gwen.

A few more days until Trevor's surprise birthday. I think I have a few fun games for the kids to play. Hopefully it will all run smoothly. I just realized we are going to have 3 parties in 7 days. So if I can survive next week it'll all be wonderful. Here come the holidays!

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