Thursday, July 26, 2007

I may be pregnant, but I'm not stupid

First off, sorry about the videos not working...they are fixed now, so enjoy!

So yesterday I was very pregnant. I had a few pregnant moments. Big one was I forgot how much your balance changes when you are this pregnant, and when I was running around after Trevor, I slipped and fell. I came down hard on my leg and hip, but no injuries except maybe to my ego. I fell in front of my mom friends. Whoops.

Then last night, I got all ready for bed, fell asleep and then woke up to Trevor saying he was ready to go downstairs. I went to put on my glasses and noticed something strange. Um....I forgot to take out my contacts. Whoops. There goes that pair. I'm pretty sure they are old anyway, but still. I guess I'm really pregnant.

However, just because I have a preggo brain, does not mean that I have no ability to smell when something is "fishy". I've always seemed to have this ability. Granted, I might actually be a bit too cautious because I do know a few people that do those pop-up ads that say "click here to get a free X-box" or whatever.

Anyway, what happened to me was that I have become a helper with my golf friends if they ever would like to sell something either on ebay or craigslist. I have a lot more experience with ebay than I do with craigslist, so I'm much more aware of the ebay scams than I am with the craigslist ones. Thankfully, I have a mom friend that is VERY helpful in that regard.

So most recently, I was in touch with my church to help sell something on Craigslist. I just posted it on Monday, and immediately someone got in contact with me. From the start it was a little fishy, and I ran it by my "expert" friend and she informed me to watch out for the scam that involves someone overpaying you with the expectation that you will send that extra money to someone else.

So things were going along, and I had hoped that if this was a true scam that seeing that this actually involved a church, and not me, that maybe they would grow a conscious and disappear if it really was a scam. Guess not. This morning, I got the email that said that they were sending in the check an extra $3000 that we are supposed to send to the "moving company". Good grief. I just hope the church person that I talk to isn't upset. I also hope that by giving out the church's address they aren't subject to mail scams or something.....

What ever are people thinking???


Erika said...

Oh wow, I had a friend who had the EXACT same thing happened to her on craigslist. She had two pieces of furniture to sell for $200 - but the guy sent her a check for $2500 and said his secretary had made the wrong amount and to just send him the over paid amount back. Um, NO WAY! They said that the pieces of furniture had recently been ruined and they were no longer for sale. Scary, I tell ya!

Christine said...

Sorry to hear about your spill, but I'm glad you didn't get hurt! Amazing the extents people will go to to get money. I hope you or the church didn't lose anything or much from this loser!