Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What a nice Monday

You know, I don't think I ever would have thought I would say that I enjoy Mondays or even could enjoy them. To me, weekends were all about relaxing, sleeping in, being with family and friends....and then come Monday, you have to go back to work, or doing some sort of work and waking up early again. Now, while we still do a lot of family stuff on the weekend, I sometimes look forward to Mondays because I get back to a little routine where I have a few minutes here and there of peacefulness and not have to worry about running to the next event.

Yesterday, I was blessed with a wonderful babysitter (Thanks Tracy!) while I went to work on the house stuff. Just little things that I haven't really wanted to do, but still need to be done. But because I did that, I was able to catch a nap with Trevor. So I felt very well rested for his T-ball game last night. But it sure was HOT.

Trevor has also gotten better at listening over the past few days, making it seem like it was a little phase he was going through. Although he could be coming down with a cold or something.

I'll have to give you a little update as to the conversations T and I have been having. It's been nice to have conversations with him and get a little glimpse about what he's thinking about at the time. It sure is fun!


Christine said...

I'm glad you were able to enjoy your Monday...I feel the same way about getting back into things. SUndays usually tire me out! Glad you got some things done (nesting????) and got a nap- can't tell you the last nap I got! Hope the rest of the week goes well too!

Dawn said...

I'm glad you had a nice Monday, too...wish I could say I feel the same way about Mondays, but my weekends are just never long enough. I agree with Christine...nesting, perhaps?? Glady you were able to get so much done!