Thursday, July 12, 2007

Well Hello there Everybodeeeee

Please excuse the disorganization while I figure out what I want his blog to look like.

Some notes for the newbies that have either never seen a blog, or never seen me write one. I figure I would give some explanation as to what to expect:

  • Why Red & Green? - Because my life seems to revolve around those facts....they are a few of my favorite things, and now my family's.
  • Why Blog? - Because I want to be able to use what's left of my mommy brain to look back and remember if/when I go through things again with a second or third child.
  • Why now? - Because from what I remember, I won't even be able to function when baby #2 enters our household at least for the first few weeks.
  • What to expect? Well, I'll have to see what kind of rhythm I can get going....I try to write when I can, more often during the week than weekends. Although be warned, I am a sucker for those QOTD (Questions of the Day) that you can find, so you might be seeing a lot of those if I don't have a lot to say.

Anything else? Feel free to comment and I'll address them at a later time ;-)


Erika said...

Hmmmm, I'm guessing b/c it's a different template, it doesn't work quite the same. Maybe your tech wiz DH can help you???

I might have to steal your blog hopper blinkie!

Unknown said...

Huzah! We all have blogs!! you, me, and Kevin!!